OK, I overlooked that, but how do users obtain a hot link?
It would seem, someone with access (that can see it) would have to share it.
Would it be possible to do an event script to block these?
It's never been a problem here, so I'm not familiar.
Would something structured like
in events be made to stop hot linking?
How exactly is a hot link structured? Does it always contain @ for the login?
This events macro works for php and js hack attempts when HFS runs in Windows,
but not on Ubuntu 11.04/Wine. In windows the macro wont work with @ because, apparently
the browsers don't recognize @ in
https://user:pass@ip address:port/Folder1/Folder2/File-name.ext
as being part of the url........so.... still think there could to be a way.
I'll experiment more tonight after work.