Try not to use iframes or any frames at all when creating a website. They aren't great for usability and can break the back button sometimes.
Your assuming we have the HTML code? I deleted my attempt at creating a traditional style thumbnail gallery a long time ago, it just made more sense to make it as a list in my templates. Not that we were worried about iPhone or PSP when we created them, they are mostly for traditional browsers. I'm not sure if you know how or what, but creating a template generally requires a mixture of HTML, CSS, JS and HFS Macro. Before HFS Macro, templates were very basic.
My best advice is to look through the default template for the basic code snippets required. Take a look at our templates even, and learn how the template engine works. The page by page view was being worked on by mars, but it was only taken so far with what the HFS Macro engine could achieve. I learnt how to program through trial and error, and google. Also a university degree but I mostly learnt the stuff at home in my spare time.
The HTML board itself is a lot quieter than it used to be. I don't really know why, Maybe my templates give amateurs enough to achieve what they need to achieve with HFS, I'm unsure. I miss the days when this board was full of people creating new toys for HFS. But posting in random relevant threads isn't going to get people more active. The only reason I notice is because I subscribe to RSS feeds.