Hello everybody
I'm still working on the template for my own web server, and I got some issues I can't seem to resolve by myself. All help would be greatly appreciated
Since I'm very new in this web making world, I gotta admit I'm a dirty little copy/paste monkey... Copy this, paste it there, repeat 100 times and you end up with a template that is 2 meters long... What I would like is to move all the javascripts I got between <head> and </head> into .js files inside a code directory in my web. As example, here is the Terayon search code I'm using (thanx RAWR team, you do an excellent work by the way!):
----start of code----
<script type="text/javascript">
function searchQuery() {
frm = document.searchForm;
if(frm.query.value.length < 3) {
alert("Please enter a search with 3 or more characters.");
} else {
frm.recursive.checked ? recursive ="&recursive" : recursive ="";
for(x=0; x<frm.choice.length; x++) {
searchMode ="?files-filter=";
} else if(frm.choice
searchMode ="?folders-filter=";
} else {
searchMode ="?filter=";
for(c=0; c<frm.root.length; c++) {
if(frm.root[c].checked ==1) {
frm.root[c].value =="current" ? searchFrom ="
http://%host%%folder%": searchFrom = "
document.location.href = searchFrom+searchMode+"*"+frm.query.value+"*"+recursive+filter;
----end of code----
I'd like this in a .js file. How should I change this in the <body> section for it to work?
----start of code----
<form name="searchForm" method="get"
action="javascript:search()" id="searchForm">
<p align="center">
<input name="query" type="text" class="field" value="" size="25" />
<input class="button"
type="submit" name="searchBtn" value="Search" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p align="center"><input type="radio" name="choice"
value="file" /> File(s) <input type="radio" name=
"choice" value="folder" /> Folder(s) <input name=
"choice" type="radio" value="both" checked=
"checked" /> Both <input name="recursive" type=
"checkbox" value="" checked="checked" />
Recursive<br />
<input name="root" type="radio" value="root" checked=
"checked" /> From Root Directory <input name="root"
type="radio" value="current" /> From Current
----end of code----
More JavaScript related suff:
I'm trying to have a toggle button on my web that would hide/show a div. It works ok, but sure enough it forgets the setting (hidden or visible) when it loads a page. I've seen tons of boggus code involving cookies to remember the state of a div, each one more weird than the other... Could anyone point me on the right direction?
RAWR player:
Here I must admit my utter failure to integrate this cool player from RAWR in my template. This is head-asploding for me, I simply have no clue at all as to how to make the player work!! I'd like it to work in the same way as in the RAWR templates, with a preview link that would pop the player up and start playing the file...
Those are the 3 last things that keep me from completing my page. It would be great if some experienced user familiar with those issues could lend me a hand with this... Attached you'll find the stuff I've done so far. I'm using HFS 2.3 beta 217.
Posted on: December 14, 2008, 07:23:42 AM
1) move javascript to js files = help!
2) remember state of div when reloading/changing directory/whatever = solved!
3) Integrating RAWR player in a template = mass help needed!
It turns out that toggling a div on/off and remembering its state on page reload or when browsing directories is giving many people a hard time.
Here is a link for those trying to achieve this goal:
I still am in desperate need of your help for issue 2... RAWR player integration would be specially nice, I've been trying to achive it for well past a month now...