I backup my system every few days so I like a "lean, mean" system disc.
Windows Update just downloaded SP3 and overnight my system disc grew about a gigabyte. I let everything sit as was for a few days now I want to clear out all the **** downloaded by Windows Update.
I got rid of the NtInstall and ServicePackInstall folders but am wondering if there is any other stuff I can get rid of?
Anybody know what the relevance of the various folders in WINDOWS folder? For instance, "assembly" folder (123Mb), what is in there and is it needed for the running of Windows XP? Then there is the "ime" folder (86Mb)?
Does anybody know of a list of Windows folders and their relevance to the day to day running of the OS?
I apologise if this has been asked before but I did do searches and didn't find a previous question.