Sorry, because the uploaded file is a renamed tar file (created with hfs). As I opened it with winrar, it worked to extract the files. I will look for a zip-creator to upload as a zip.
As I'm short in time now I upload now the 3 junks (without the gif and png's) it contains as follows:
demo_poll.txt : instructions
demo_voteme.tpl : html with javascript, rename it to demo_voteme.htm
demo_vote.tpl : html with javascript, rename it to demo_vote.htm
add to test in a directory 'images' 3 files:
2 different pngs : pon.png and poff.png with a small size 12x12 to 20x20
1 gif (anything) : voteok.gif of small size to.
With this you can see the code and test until I can make a zip.