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Offline ledufe

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Blooddevil - 2006-Jun.tpl

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<div style="padding:15px; float:right;">
<a href="/~progress" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img26"> Active Transfers</a></div>
<div style="padding:15px; float:right;">
<a href="%encoded-folder%~files.lst" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img4"> File Listing</a>
<div class=little>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Current Directory:</div>
<div class=big>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%folder%</div>
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<center>Server Status<br></b><br><img src="/~img_graph400x50"><br><br><img src="/~img4"> Current Server Outbound: %speed-out%KB/s<br><img src="/~img4"> Current Server Inbound: %speed-in%KB/s<br><img src="/~img5"> Connections Connected: %connections%<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;</div><br></center>
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<br>Server Time: %timestamp%
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<br>Page Generated in: %build-time%s</p>
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.text { color:#FFFFFF; }

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%~login" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img27"> Login Here</a></div>

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><div class=text><span class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img27"> Logged in as: %user%</span></div></div>

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%~upload" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img32"> Upload Files</a></div>

<a class=big href="%parent-folder%"><img src="/~img14"> Parent Directory</a>

<div class=big><i>*** This Folder is Empty ***</i></div>

<div class=little><b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%number-folders% Folders, %number-files% Files - Total Size: %total-size%</b></div>
<table width=90% align="center">
<th height="33"><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=n"><span class=column>Filename</span></a>
<th height="33"><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=s"><span class=column>Filesize</span></a>
<th height="33"><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=t"><span class=column>Filetime</span></a>

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_file"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td align=center class=row>%item-size%<td align=center class=row>%item-modified%

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_folder"> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td align=center class=row><i>Folder</i><td align=center class=row>%item-modified%

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_link"> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td colspan=3 align=center class=row><i>Hyperlink</i>

<div class=comment>%item-comment%</div>


[not found]
<div class=text>
<h1>HTTP 404 - Tidak Dijumpai
<br>HTTP 404 - Not Found duh!</h1>
<a href="/">Main Page - Index</a>

<div class=text>
<h1>Server Sibuk dowh! Cuba lagi
<br>Server Busy Duh!!</h1>
Sila Cuba lagi.
<br>Please try again later.

<div class=text>
<h1>Pendatang Asing!
Bahagian ini dilindungi
<br>This is a protected resource.
<br>Your username/password cannot be verified duh!

<div class=text>
This resource is not accessible.

<div class=text>
You are banned from this server with the reason of: %reason%

<title>Upload to: %folder%</title>
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;">
var s1, s2;
if (window.parent.progress) s1 = '" target=_parent"', s2 = 'Close';
else s1 = '+progress"', s2= 'Add';
document.write('<a href="%folder%~upload'+s1+' class=button onClick="if (frm.upbtn.disabled) return false;"><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img10"> '+s2+' Active Transfer(s) Frame</a>');
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img21"> Cancel Upload</a></div>
<div class=little>Upload to:</div>
<div class=big>%folder%</div>
<div class=body>
<div class=text><b>Free Space Available For Upload: %diskfree%</b></div>
<form name=frm action="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="frm.upbtn.disabled=true; return true;">
<input name=upbtn type=submit value="Upload Selected Files">
<script language="jscript">if (!window.parent.progress) document.write('<div class=text><br><img src="/~img10"> Before uploading you may want to open a <a target=_blank href="/~progress">progress status window</a>.</div><div class=text><br><img src="/~img9"> Please do not open the active transfers frame while the upload is in progress or the upload will be corrupted.</div>');</script>
<div class=text><br><img src="/~img9"> WARNING: Uploading a file with a same filename will overwrite the existing file.</div>
<div class=little>
<a href="">HFS Version %version%</a>
<br>Server Time: %timestamp%
<br>Uptime: %uptime%

<input name=fileupload%idx% size=70 type=file><br>

<title>Upload Results for: %folder%</title>
<div class=little>Upload Results for:</div>
<div class=big>%folder%</div>
<div class=body>
<a href="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent class=big><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img14"> Go Back</a>

<li><b>SUCCESS!</b> Uploaded: %item-name% --- %item-size%

<li><b>FAILED!</b> Error while uploading: %item-name%: --- %reason%

<title>Upload to: %folder%</title>
<frameset cols=250,*>
<frame name=progress src="/~progress" scrolling=auto marginwidth=0>
<frame src="%encoded-folder%~upload" scrolling=auto>

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;URL=/~progress">
<title>Active Transfers</title>
.filename { font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; }
.bytes { font-size:7pt; }
.perc { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }
.out_bar { width:100px; font-size:15px; background:black; border:black 1px solid; margin-right:5px; }
.in_bar { height:16px; background:white; color:white; }
div.body { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; }
body { padding:2px; }
<div class=big>Active Transfers</div>
<div class=text>Auto-Refresh: 3 Seconds</div>
<br><center><img src="/~img_graph190x40" style="border:white outset 2px;">
<div class=body>

<div class=big>No Active Transfers</div>

<span class=flag>&nbsp;UP&nbsp;</span>
<div class=text><span class=filename>%filename%</span></div>
<div class=text><div class=bytes>%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Upload Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s</div></div>
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<span class=out_bar><span class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></span></span> <div class=text><span class=perc>%perc%%</span></div>

<span class=flag>&nbsp;DOWN&nbsp;</span>
<div class=text><span class=filename>%filename%</span></div>
<div class=text><div class=bytes>%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Download Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s</div></div>
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<span class=out_bar><span class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></span></span><div class=text><span class=perc> %perc%%</span></div>

<span class=flag>&nbsp;NEW&nbsp;</span>


  • Guest
Sry, but the best template i ever seen is this:

All other templates are...  :roll:   :v:

Offline ledufe

  • Tireless poster
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Quote from: "traxxus"
Sry, but the best template i ever seen is this:

All other templates are...  :roll:   :v:

alright , its one of my favorites too, but i dont forget to put in HERE.

and about all other templates, well, lets encourage and the other to do a better template, and tell then your opnion, or else, we are going to be with just the defaul, lets tryit, change, create our own template, share him, mixed with other tecnologies, try to use another options, the hfs is "only a file server", and if we want to use it for more than a great software, but with a poor web interface from the client side, we shoul try , try even more...

ops, almost forgot to show you where it was the post with the CLEAN template, is here:

Offline Harley

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Here is what I did with the black template
I just edited the HTML and voila!  Hope it was OK to edit the template

I am working on a more "girly" template ( since I am indeed a dudette )

I will post it as a template file if I manage to get it right and any other gals here like it
Not making any promises tho...its harder than it looks for a novice !

Offline ~GeeS~

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Nothing to see. Maybe you can post an attachment (txt allowed, so rename your tpl). Open + Addittional Options for attachments ...

Offline Harley

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is this what you wanted?
I exported the template as a tpl but I was not able to uplaod it as an attachment

<title>Current Directory: %folder%</title>
<body><center><img src="http://put your own image here.jpg" alt="from Some File Server" /></center>
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="/~progress" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img26"> Active Transfers</a></div>
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%~files.lst" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img4"> File Listing</a></div>
<div class=little>Current Directory:</div>
<div class=big>%folder%</div>
<div class=body>
<center><div style="background:#000000; color:#FF8EE6; border:outset; width:65%;"><br><b>Server Status</b><br><img src="/~img_graph600x50"><br><br><img src="/~img4"> Current Server Outbound: %speed-out%KB/s<br><img src="/~img4"> Current Server Inbound: %speed-in%KB/s<br><img src="/~img5"> Connections Connected: %connections%<br><br></div><br></center>
<div class=little>
<a href=""> </a>
<br>Server Time: %timestamp%
<br>Uptime: %uptime%
<br>Page Generated in: %build-time%s

body, .row { color: #000000 }
body, .button, .big, .little, th, comment { font-family:tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans; font-weight:normal; font-size:9pt; color:#FF8EE6; }
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.column { color:#FF8EE6;; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:0; }
.button { padding:5px; padding-top:7px; border:1px outset gray; background:black; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }
.flag { font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; background:white; color:red; text-align:center; border:1px solid red; }
.text { color:#FF8EE6; }

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%~login" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img27"> Login Here</a></div>

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><div class=text><span class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img27"> Logged in as: %user%</span></div></div>

<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%~upload" class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img32"> Upload Files</a></div>

<a class=big href="%parent-folder%"><img src="/~img14"> Parent Directory</a>

<div class=big><i>*** This Folder is Empty ***</i></div>

<div class=little><b>%number-folders% Folders, %number-files% Files - Total Size: %total-size%</b></div>
<table width=90%>
<th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=n"><span class=column>Filename</span></a>
<th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=s"><span class=column>Filesize</span></a>
<th><a href="%encoded-folder%?sort=t"><span class=column>Filetime</span></a>

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_file"> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td align=center class=row>%item-size%<td align=center class=row>%item-modified%

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_folder"> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td align=center class=row><i>Folder</i><td align=center class=row>%item-modified%

<tr><td class=row>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img align=top src="/~img_link"> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td colspan=3 align=center class=row><i>Hyperlink</i>

<div class=comment>%item-comment%</div>


[not found]
<div class=text>
<h1>HTTP 404 - Not Found</h1>
<a href="/">Main Page - Index</a>

<div class=text>
<h1>Server Busy</h1>
Please try again later.

<div class=text>
This is a protected resource.
<br>Your username/password cannot be verified.

<div class=text>
This resource is not accessible.

<div class=text>
You are banned from this server with the reason of: %reason%

<title>Upload to: %folder%</title>
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;">
var s1, s2;
if (window.parent.progress) s1 = '" target=_parent"', s2 = 'Close';
else s1 = '+progress"', s2= 'Add';
document.write('<a href="%folder%~upload'+s1+' class=button onClick="if (frm.upbtn.disabled) return false;"><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img10"> '+s2+' Active Transfer(s) Frame</a>');
<div style="float:right; padding:15px;"><a href="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent class=button><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img21"> Cancel Upload</a></div>
<div class=little>Upload to:</div>
<div class=big>%folder%</div>
<div class=body>
<div class=text><b>Free Space Available For Upload: %diskfree%</b></div>
<form name=frm action="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="frm.upbtn.disabled=true; return true;">
<input name=upbtn type=submit value="Upload Selected Files">
<script language="jscript">if (!window.parent.progress) document.write('<div class=text><br><img src="/~img10"> Before uploading you may want to open a <a target=_blank href="/~progress">progress status window</a>.</div><div class=text><br><img src="/~img9"> Please do not open the active transfers frame while the upload is in progress or the upload will be corrupted.</div>');</script>
<div class=text><br><img src="/~img9"> WARNING: Uploading a file with a same filename will overwrite the existing file.</div>
<div class=little>
<a href=""> </a><br>Server Time: %timestamp%
<br>Uptime: %uptime%

<input name=fileupload%idx% size=70 type=file><br>

<title>Upload Results for: %folder%</title>
<div class=little>Upload Results for:</div>
<div class=big>%folder%</div>
<div class=body>
<a href="%encoded-folder%" target=_parent class=big><img border=0 align=absbottom src="/~img14"> Go Back</a>

<li><b>SUCCESS!</b> Uploaded: %item-name% --- %item-size%

<li><b>FAILED!</b> Error while uploading: %item-name%: --- %reason%

<title>Upload to: %folder%</title>
<frameset cols=250,*>
<frame name=progress src="/~progress" scrolling=auto marginwidth=0>
<frame src="%encoded-folder%~upload" scrolling=auto>

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3;URL=/~progress">
<title>Active Transfers</title>
.filename { font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; }
.bytes { font-size:7pt; }
.perc { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }
.out_bar { width:100px; font-size:15px; background:black; border:black 1px solid; margin-right:5px; }
.in_bar { height:16px; background:white; color:white; }
div.body { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; }
body { padding:2px; }
<div class=big>Active Transfers</div>
<div class=text>Auto-Refresh: 3 Seconds</div>
<br><center><img src="/~img_graph190x40" style="border:white outset 2px;">
<div class=body>

<div class=big>No Active Transfers</div>

<span class=flag>&nbsp;UP&nbsp;</span>
<div class=text><span class=filename>%filename%</span></div>
<div class=text><div class=bytes>%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Upload Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s</div></div>
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<span class=out_bar><span class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></span></span> <div class=text><span class=perc>%perc%%</span></div>

<span class=flag>&nbsp;DOWN&nbsp;</span>
<div class=text><span class=filename>%filename%</span></div>
<div class=text><div class=bytes>%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes<br>Current Download Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s</div></div>
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<span class=out_bar><span class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></span></span><div class=text><span class=perc> %perc%%</span></div>

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HOT Pink... and Lots of It.  OUCH!  :o

Offline Harley

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lol......yeah...I just typed in 6 letters and numbers randomly and thats what the colors changed too!
I liked it!    Just Color Me WOMAN!    LMAO
Since then I have found a color picker for HTML
I am working a cutsie one for kids and little more womanly one for older gals
I will leave the "guy" themes to you wonderful gents!

This making your own template thing is FUN! For those of you wondering if you can do it, just try editing an existing template.  Once you begin to get the hang of it, you will see how they are made!

I am having such fun! ( along with my Louis Jadot Beaujolais of course! )

For today ( Sunday September 10, 2006 )
you can have a look at the working template and what I have done with the template while I am learning
if anyone wants to see....its still not exactly what I am wanting.....but I am learning and I am getting there. I have not pass protected it just for today.....please no uploads to it  If see uploads I will cancel you immediatly, I am looking for comments and some help...not for uploads...I trust you guys!
go here:

you are of course more than welcome to download anything I have shared if you see something that tickles your fancy  Use the drop down on my jump box to see other things I am working on
I realize I have been a bit redundant in my use of my Native American theme...however
#1  I like it and
#2  I am until I really get comfortable this is it
I have started two other themes but they are not ready for prime time yet
Until then...please enjoy!

I have discovered I cannot change the buttons for FILE LISTING, LOGIN, UPLOAD etc
they seem to be default buttons for HFS Server encoded folders

I went to all the trouble of making beautiful new buttons and uploading them and then discovered that.
What a pity. Hope this might change someday. Until then I have discovered I can do ANYTHING I want with Network Activ and also WWW FileShare Pro.  However I am so NOT dissing HFS. I love it...its simple, fast and easy as hell to use.  I even was able to get my not so internet savvy relatives in the states able to download and upload with ease using HFS. The others are simply a little more customizable...thats it.  This is a great tool for sharing with family and friends...who cares about the folder buttons really.  They do the job they are meant to do and thats what really counts.

BTW...if I am wrong about that...would appreciate a little help. When I add my own buttons.....all they do is link to the button pic......not to the folder
If it can be done.......would love a heads up
« Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 09:36:00 PM by Harley »

Offline maverick

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Yes you can change the buttons to whatever you want.

1. The first thing you have to do is add your new buttons to the HFS virtual file system.  Right click on / and select add files then hide them.

2. For this example, let's say you want to change the default HFS Upload button with a new upload button you made and has the filename upload.gif

3. You have to adjust the template html.

In the [upload-link] section change the default html to:
<a href="%encoded-folder%~upload"><img src="/upload.gif"></a>
Tested and works with IE, Firefox, and Opera.

If you want animated buttons change the default html to:
<a href="%encoded-folder%~upload"><button><img src="/upload.gif"></button></a>
Tested and works with Firefox and Opera.  Doesn't seem to work with IE even though the animation works and the path is correct.  I didn't have time to troubleshoot.  Maybe yet another IE limitation.

4. Of course, you can make final html adjustments for placement of the buttons etc.

5. Do a search of the template for button to find all the areas where the html has to be adjusted for your new buttons.  I have a serverly customized template and can't remember what all of the default buttons were anymore but you can add your own as well (in the appropriate section of the template) like previous page, main menu, go back, upload progress, etc.

I think once you play around with HFS long enough to truly understand how it works, you will find it's true benefits and features as well as its configurability.   HFS is still evolving with many new features in the works.   I've tried most of the similar http file servers on the net and I keep coming back to HFS.

Hope this helps.

BTW if you don't want anybody to upload to your upload folder just right click on your upload folder in the HFS virtual file system -> select upload -> upload for accounts then de-select everyone shown there or just leave the ones that you want to upload.  That will remove the upload button from their browser page.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 02:04:20 AM by maverick »

Offline Harley

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ooh la la !  YIPPIE!  thanks so much Maverick!
I will make all the adjustments tomorrow
I understand HTML a little.....I am just beginning to really get the hang of it all and I find it fascinating and so simple to learn.  I kind of figured there must be a way......I was reading the rejetto help page for a while, but what you have told me is going to make my life so much simpler now. Three cheers for to you Maverick, my html hero !!!

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is this what you wanted?
I exported the template as a tpl but I was not able to uplaod it as an attachment

after exporting as whatever.tpl you could have renamed it to whatever.txt. Then the upload would have accepted the txt extension (tpl isn't allowed). But anyway, it's ok now, can see the images. When i asked, they weren't displayed. I would place the ads at the bottom of your pages. This makes surfing easier.

Some HTML tutorials i used frequently:
and of course everything in the templates thread:

BTW i don't think you need help on hosting, dyn DNS, ports and servers. ;)


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Offline KNIGHT

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    • Knight's File Server a little something i did last nite
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 06:23:21 AM by KNIGHT »

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