EDIT: As reference, I comment this thread was started here and then moved here. The idea started after reading the code of mobil-light_V4.2beta.zip by dj (thanks him for the inspiration, Mars for the actual code implementation that you will find below, and Rejetto, because he took this idea into consideration). Now it follows the original post...
Offtopic: Reading your template, I always wondered is a file section (in the HFS template), could store a file encoded in Base64,
and that be decoded by the server on-the-fly (delivering the decoded output).
I see you have write this:
a {text-decoration: none}
...and I expected this to deliver the same output (but it doesn't):
I already know that is possible to directly write Base64 code, like this:<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="data:text/css;base64,YSB7dGV4dC1kZWNvcmF0aW9uOiBub25lfQ==" />
But I was wondering if is it possible make HFS decode Base64 'on-the-fly' using a macro like:
{.mime|text/css;base64.}Also, neither of the following works:
I'm curious to know if this is possible using macros.