HFS: Files di commento

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Di solito, i commenti vengono inseriti cliccando su ''Comment''.
Questo assicura che diventino parte integrante dei file VFS.

A volte, questo sistema non è sufficiente in quanto, non è possibile inserire un commento nei files già contenuti nelle cartelle reali.
Per altre ragioni, può anche essere che tu voglia mantenere i commenti in files esterni.
In questi casi, hai la possibilità di creare files speciali che inglobano i commenti.
Questi files non vengono elencati ma saranno utilizzati da HFS come commenti (in relazione ai corrispettivi files/cartelle/elementi).

There are two kinds of comment files:

Single-comment files

For every file listed, HFS checks for the existence of a single-comment file. This is a per-file method. If you want to use this method on three files, you need to create three single-comment files.

Let's say you have to comment the file 'test.zip. To do this:

  • Create a new text file.
  • Put the comment in it.
  • Save the file as test.zip.comment.

The single-comment file must reside in the same folder as the commented file.

Single comment files can be disabled with the option Menu →Virtual File System →Load single comment files. It is enabled by default. If you disable it, then any .comment file is listed. (ie. it is treated as a normal file).

Multi-comment files

This method only works on real folders.

In the folder relative to your real folder, create a file named hfs.comments.txt. Edit it, and for every comment you want to set, make a line like this test.zip=here goes my comment

Three comments, three lines, it's easy.

Don't leave empty spaces before the equals sign (=).