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Testing build #260

rejetto · 62 · 65586

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Offline rejetto

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When I login to hfs, once the program allowed me and other times not. I have to try 10 times until HFS let me enter. I use very simple passwords.
I use latest build #260 with rawr_template, win7x64,firefox and IE.

that's rather strange.
what if you try the default template?

Also I don't find any full documentation for using of account system of the builds later than official

that's because there's none.
i'm currently spending all the time in support and development,
but anyone is welcome at improving documentation.

Everything about the accounts is so misunderstood and confused that I do not know whether it is already a bug or not.

by exposing your doubts we may improve clearness.

     The account system must be very simple:
    * Global rights - affected All

to affect all you must check "anonymous" and "any account" on the rights you want to give.

   * sub rights 1 - affected anonymous(guest)
    * sub rights 2 - affected registered account

for these you check only one of the two.

I tried to setup anonymous with flags - browsable,no download(can browse, but can't
download) and the effect is that all users can't download
Maybe I'm in mistake?? don't know. Huh?

what made you think your flags were only bound to the "anonymous" ?
please explain in detail so i can eventually improve the GUI.

encode spaces option don't work for me.

what's happening that you didn't expect?

Offline rejetto

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When I browse any folder and hit home button to go in root HFS automaticaly logout me.

the current authentication system relies on the browser.
the browser decides the when it requests a resource that's different and not protected (the home) it won't send the user/password. So you appear as not logged in.
Indeed, there's no "i'm logged in" concept currently. It's a technical limit.
It sucks, and it will be changed in the future.

For what is then that option anonymous? What can I do with it?

with that you give permissions to those who has no account.


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i'm korean user, i have the same problem on deleting file, folder. i use ie7, servicepack3.
Delete function acts as if it worked, but actually the selected folder or file is not deleted
and still shown in ths web list and also in the real disk.

could you share delete script to solve this problem? or anybody recommend me any script.
i use hfs beta build 260, and i use default templete. i am not familliar with templete code, but
 following code seems to be conserning script.

 {.if|{.get|can delete.}|
      <button onclick='if (confirm("{.!confirm.}")) submit("", {action:"delete"}, true)'>{.!Delete.}</button>

 rejetto, can you reply to that problem..

 i searched your reply in other topic thread, as following
 more like this
<form method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='selection' value='your-filename'>
<input type='submit' name='action' value='delete'>

Offline yopen

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First thanks rejetto for your answers.Because my english is not good I will explain step by step

Quote from: yopen
When I login to hfs, once the program allowed me and other times not. I have to try 10 times until HFS let me enter. I use very simple passwords.
that's rather strange.
what if you try the default template?
I found solution for me.The problem with the login appear when I make myself member of 'can change password'.I just removed myself from this group and don't have more problem.This problem appear with rawr_template.I do not try to change my password,because rawr_template don't have interface for changing password.I only make myself member of this group and after cannot login.
With the original template I don't have any problem with the login

Quote from: yopen
I tried to setup anonymous with flags - browsable,no download(can browse, but can't
download) and the effect is that all users can't download
what made you think your flags were only bound to the "anonymous" ?
please explain in detail so i can eventually improve the GUI.
In general, in most programs, the rights are oriented to users,not to folders
In this case: I have three possible options 'any account / anonymous / anyone '.
The problem:I cannot give two different sets of flags to one folder.Possible is only one flag-set per folder:flag-set for anonymous or flag-set for any account,but not both,because these flags refer to the folder,not to the users.I want to let anonymous to see the contents of this folder without being able to download and if they liked something,they might wish to register
I have a folder named 'Music' and want to set two different categories of rights for its users
category 1 . anonymous-flags [browsable],[no download]
category 2 . any account - flags [browsable],[can download]

If I change the flags in category 2, category 1 will get the same flags from category 2 and vice versa
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 05:01:17 AM by yopen »

Offline gcs8

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is there any reason i can not upload from my droid? it says uploads disabled when i try from my droid.... any thoughts?

Offline gcs8

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nvm it has to do with the android's web browser keep up the amazing work rejetto!

Offline ElSid

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Two issues with this build (did not try on other builds):
  • Everything at default, a friend of mine tried to log in using Chrome.  Under his account, in the action section, only new folder and update list showed up.  I have no problems with IE 8 or FF3.6
  • hfs uploads crash when I switch users.  Friend was uploading a file last night.  Wife wanted to use computer so I switched users.  Download did NOT complete.  Note that under every account I have hfs in the startup.  If it is already running in another user account, it "errors" out sayings no available in that user account.  However, when I log into the server from my phone, the server is running ... and I have access to everything

Offline rejetto

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1. please tell me what Chrome doesn't see, instead of what it does see.

2. if HFS is restarted, any upload will be interrupted. And HTTP protocol cannot resume on uploads.
when you switch user you should not try to start HFS again, just leave the other user running.
this is true for every version.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 09:50:14 AM by rejetto »

Offline SilentPliz

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I found a bug with the new template:

It's impossible to comment an file if a MD5 file is associated to it in a folder.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 03:09:58 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline SpeedBoy

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Hi all.

I installed this beta version and i've found that sometimes it has freezed in any directory where i went.
I'm using it at 100mbit network.

Version 2.2f is working without any freezing. So i decided to swith to stable version unfortunately.

Search function will be very helpfull for me, so i'm waiting for new build for test.

Thanks for cool http file server.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 06:24:57 AM by SpeedBoy »

Offline bur_i

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Thank you for your hard job on improving this amazing software!

I got problem in all recent builds with HFS web interface stopping responding when files still continues downloading. It's usually happens when a lot of huge files (more than ten) being downloaded through LAN. When i turn server on/off with F4 it's starts responding properly.

Do you know solution to resolve such issue?

Here is customized options list:

# default: no

# default: yes

# default:

# default:

# default:

# default:

# default: yes

# default: yes

# default: yes

# default: yes

# default: yes

# default: name

# default: D:\Documents\HFS

# default: 0

# default: downloads

# default: download

# default: 60

# default:

# default: *.htm;*.html|text/html|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe|image/jpeg|*.gif|image/gif|*.png|image/png|*.bmp|image/bmp|*.ico|image/x-icon|*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.mpe|video/mpeg|*.avi|video/x-msvideo|*.txt|text/plain|*.css|text/css|*.js|text/javascript

# default:

# default:

# default: no

# default: yes

# default: yes

# default: 0

# default: 0

# default: 0

# default: 0

connections-columns=IP address;120|File;180|Status;180|Speed;60|Time left;55|Progress;1006|
# default: IP address;120|File;180|Status;180|Speed;60|Time left;55|Progress;70|

Offline crazyboris

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today hfs crashed for me (260).
was at work when it happend so i restarted it remotly.
there was some error messages but i just clicked OK on them to get it resrarted as fast as possible.
i shud probebly saved the text in the error message but i dident.

but after that my filesystem.vfs was deleted.
so i had to restore that to.

but why do you think the filesystem.vfs was deleted???

Offline rejetto

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I installed this beta version and i've found that sometimes it has freezed in any directory where i went.
I'm using it at 100mbit network.
Version 2.2f is working without any freezing. So i decided to swith to stable version unfortunately.
Search function will be very helpfull for me, so i'm waiting for new build for test.

your problem will hardly be solved until i know what's wrong.
you can make yourself some tests to understand what exactly is causing the problem.
if you have no idea on how to test, you can try running older builds, like build #200, and see if it works.
if the problem is still there, then try build #180, and go on until you find WHEN the problem started.
this would be a useful information.

Offline Mars

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