unless you mind picking your nose a long time between pictures
Im afraid i have to disappoint you TCube, there is nothing interesting about Fysack`s USB setup.
Irfanview was the first stand-alone exe i come across (as far as i remember, or as far i was able to understand)
lol, i remember i was pretty amazed burning a cd with jpg`s
and burned irfanview along with it. Everything u needed on one cd
But on the other hand, your usb setup is verry verry interesting:
(*) I've run slideshow/Frames & Thumnails on Hfs/Usb with Irfanview XML templates ... but embeded code from LiveSpace is far more rational
That is my point exactly, what should be written as a reply under the topic: Tips, Tricks and Cool things to do with your HFS. (have not yet been made)
Along with your playlist sharing offcourse
I`ll make you proud of my hfs skills one day TCube
But not just today, now i`ll have to go to sing some lullaby