I'm trying to get HFS to work with a Thomson st789 dsl modem + router.
It fails the self test, but I can access it from another computer in my LAN.
One maybe complicating thing is that I'm running apache on this machine, and have it serving on 3 IPs.
My IP addresses look like:
Apache is configured for the 192.168.y ips. plus localhost.
I've followed the directions at portforward.com for this router using a number of different port numbers. I forward it to the
192.168.1.x IP. I've also tried totally disabling the firewall in the st780, still fail the self test.
Will the test fail if for example it can forward to one of the ips, but not to one of the others?
But I'm thinking that if I can access HFS from another computer on the lan, that everything on this machine is OK. That is, there's no firewall problem, the other IPs aren't interfering, and HFS is set up correctly, que no?.
So it has to be that it's either not getting through my ISP, or not getting through the modem/router, right?
Is there some kind of tool that will tell me what traffic reaches the internet side of the modem/router?
You know I'm just trying to get a big file to a friend and there's other ways to do it but I like this HFS program and I want to get it to work.