RAWR-Template-0.0.3 Released.
[new] Black theme.
[new] Language files, 7 available languages, en, es, fr, it, ru, de, nl.
[new] Macro driven shoutbox.
[new] Macro driven check update feature.
[new] Template Settings: theme, language, shoutbox toggle (on-off), admin (admin account for deleting posts).
[upd] More thumbnail and preview support for long extensions & tif filetype (ready for T&P Gen 3).
[upd] Small CSS changes included for easier language implementation.
[upd] CSS class added for search and shoutbox input fields.
[chg] {{$theme}} now {{!theme}} for easier setup.
[to-do] Moderator accounts for shoutbox.
NOTE: Shoutbox doesn't work too well with special characters. They appear as ??, its a bug with HFS. Hopefully will be fixed by 179.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, the shoutbox also supports 11 emoticons. These are triggered by common MSN inputs.