Yea, its nice and clean that Clean one. But personally i like some action on the index page, i love that inbound, outbound, uptime,connections and graph. I use my hfs for friends and family, and for that reason i think its nice to personalize it with backgrounds, colours, gif and stuff.
Its a cool future that login page, but i think it would be better get to that indexpage without login. I want, the first thing they see is my indexpage, i think it would be better if the login appear after they click on of the folders.
As for a easy to use template i think its better to implent the css and java. If you have little html knowledge changing colours,links and background would be plenty. If you have medium html knowledge external ccs and js files would be better.
For experienced html coders i think it would not matter,they would figure it out or build their own template. So maybye its here you need 2 versions..
The blue/white was my natural choice. ..and ps! those small swf mp3 players implented in the template really looks cool.
Future request: Send free SMS form
RSS feed, Your ip is:xxx.., and all on the indexpage offcourse