It's possible i've found a problem with limits in HFS. I recently had a person downloading off me with 5 connections.
I set the number of simultaneous downloads to 4 and got an alert box stating that an IP had exceeded the limit -
fine so far. Problem was, after i'd clicked ok the 5th connection wasn't booted. I tried kicking it personally but the
person's download manager just restarted the 5th connection. Did HFS just give up trying to enforce the rule
for that IP until it had completed its downloads?
Also, once the persons download was completed they started another. They started downloading with 5
connections again even though the limit is 4.
Edit 2: Also just noticed that when i mouseout of the 'virtual file system' frame the lines linking each
folder/root disappear. when i put my mouse back in that frame the lines reappear.