My Orange and Blue with Thumbnails template is available to all HFS fans!
Features on this template.- mp3 streamer.
- Login system for the security conscious.
- Button to return to top.
- Cross Browser Compatible.
- w3c compliant (well as far as hfs templates will go, some errors are necessary for the template)
- Additional upload input code.
- Browsable folder tree.
Below is the README which can also be found inside the .zip archive:Author: That_Stevens_Guy
Location: Australia
This template is a modified version of the black template. All respects go to the creator
of that template, also thanks to all my mates on the forum

OK just import into HFS and replace **** SOMETHING **** with the directory or information you require, i have included all images used to make my one look pretty, but im sure u can handle adding it.
My version of the template is white/orange and navy blue, and has thumbnails in the place
of any .jpg .gif or .bmp link, as long as a thumbnail of the same file name is in the dir specified
in the code, which is found on the top level of HFS (/thumb) you should have no problems
implementing this template. This is also the level on HFS to put your Back.jpg and Firefox.jpg images. Do this with the mp3player aswell.
The template also incorporates a little form to search google from the hfs. Handy for me cause i have HFS as my homepage.
Have Fun!!!
To have a go at implementing the template you can download it via this link.
Here is a preview of the template: (link reveals full resolution preview)
The .zip file and the templates were actually kinda rushed together so tell me if there is any problems.
This .zip file is always updated as i improve the tpl.
This is Most likely the final version of this template!