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The video won't play on the iPhone iOs 15.0!

surikat · 16 · 26240

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Offline surikat

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The video is sharing with hfs, but it won't start on my iPhone iOs 15.0!
if you click on VIEW
The format is standard, just like everyone else. Other videos start without any problems:

P.S. I completely switched to the HFS3 version. No different features at the moment, but the program works great for all devices. It is very fast and does not use any CPU or memory. I advise anyone who has the same troubles as me to switch to the new version and help develop it!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 05:36:43 PM by surikat »

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi! :) If only one video doesn't play, it could be the encoding of that video that is not supported by your iPhone (in that case, you could try using another video player for your iOS). Another thing to check: be sure to use the correct MIME types for serving video files, going to HFS > Menu > Other options > MIME types... add in file mask: "*.mp4" and in MIME Description: "video/mp4" (all without quotes).
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Offline surikat

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Hi! :) If only one video doesn't play, it could be the encoding of that video that is not supported by your iPhone (in that case, you could try using another video player for your iOS). Another thing to check: be sure to use the correct MIME types for serving video files, going to HFS > Menu > Other options > MIME types... add in file mask: "*.mp4" and in MIME Description: "video/mp4" (all without quotes).

Mime type doesn't help.
Here is the file directly from the server, without the participation of hfs.
The same file, in the same format. 
It plays great on iPhone:

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if you use curl -I <url> you'll see the differences between one request and the other.
The only difference I see is in "Content-Disposition"
that you can change by using the "Open directly in browser" option. I think it's under "other options"

Offline surikat

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if you use curl -I <url> you'll see the differences between one request and the other.
The only difference I see is in "Content-Disposition"
that you can change by using the "Open directly in browser" option. I think it's under "other options"

Should I change or add? I have added .mp4 to the list, but the first video is not playing.

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ok, now you got Content-Disposition: filename="The_Walking_Dead_S09E01.mp4";
before you had Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="The_Walking_Dead_S09E01.mp4";
you can see the difference.
if this is not yet enough, it's the whole line that must be wiped, and HFS allows you to do it, is just a bit trickier.
From some investigation I suspect that hfs SHOULD do that by protocol automatically, and if so it should be considered a bug.
Anyway, you can workaround this opening Events (in the menu or ALT+F6), and add something like this

{.if not|{.pos|attach|{.header|Content-Disposition.}.}|{:
  {.remove header|Content-Disposition.}
« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 12:09:43 PM by rejetto »

Offline surikat

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ok, now you got Content-Disposition: filename="The_Walking_Dead_S09E01.mp4";
before you had Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="The_Walking_Dead_S09E01.mp4";
you can see the difference.
if this is not yet enough, it's the whole line that must be wiped, and HFS allows you to do it, is just a bit trickier.
From some investigation I suspect that hfs SHOULD do that by protocol automatically, and if so it should be considered a bug.
Anyway, you can workaround this opening Events (in the menu or ALT+F6), and add something like this

{.if not|{.pos|attach|{.header|Content-Disposition.}.}|{:
  {.remove header|Content-Disposition.}

But the first one doesn't work.  :o
And directly from the server OK.

Offline rejetto

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you are right, the script is not working as expected.

i even tried this, but it didn't work
{.add header|Content-Disposition: inline.}

very disappointing.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 02:20:14 PM by rejetto »

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Offline surikat

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Menu  > debug > no content-disposition

The walking dead does not start.
And this is a temporary setting. Resets after restart.
Anyway, only without share of hfs the file is played.  :-\

Offline rejetto

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i curl'ed it and i see the "disposition" is gone, temporarily as you say.
it plays nicely on my android, but i guess this won't cheer you up a bit.
do you want to give hfs 3 a try? i may assist you in configuration since it's still harder to use than hfs2, but i need beta testers
« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 06:19:55 PM by rejetto »

Offline surikat

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i curl'ed it and i see the "disposition" is gone, temporarily as you say.
it plays nicely on my android, but i guess this won't cheer you up a bit.
do you want to give hfs 3 a try? i may assist you in configuration since it's still harder to use than hfs2, but i need beta testers

Doesn't play on  iPhone with iOs 15.0

With version iOs 14.5 play ok.  It's very strange!

What is hfs 3? I don't care what to use.  The main thing is to play on the latest version of iOs. 

Offline rejetto

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the only difference left is the cookie hfs tries to set, but HFS works even if the browser refuses the cookie

Code: [Select]
c:\util>curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: video/mp4
Content-Length: 524161548
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: HFS 2.4.0 RC7
Set-Cookie: HFS_SID_=e0SaJbzE5UAAAIBHD4buPw; path=/; HttpOnly
ETag: 0cd4cf64c6d11ec7c056552509854b36
Last-Modified: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 23:47:05 GMT

c:\util>curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 19:07:02 GMT
Content-Type: video/mp4
Content-Length: 524161548
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 23:47:05 GMT
ETag: "1f3e120c-57a1bbc53825f"
Accept-Ranges: bytes

hfs 3 is a work-in-progress. I'm already using it.
you can contact me privately if you want me to help you setting it up.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 07:30:27 PM by rejetto »

Offline LeoNeeson

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I would like to help you, so let's try from another point of view:

1) What error your iPhone 15 is giving you? (you say video 'it won't start', but more details are appreciated). If video displays only a black screen, you could try disabling 'GPU Process: Media', following this instructions HERE. But before doing any changes on your iPhone configuration, it would be great if you could upload here (on the forum) the logs of your video player. Check HERE to get instructions on how to get the logs, or see here: How do I view Safari log on iPhone?

2) What app are you using to play the videos? (native Safari player?)

3) Could you (temporary) try running HFS on standard port 80? instead of using port 32365 (perhaps your iOS player doesn't like playing videos on non-standard ports)

4) How about adding this (in your events file):
Code: [Select]
{.add header|Connection: keep-alive.}
{.add header|Keep-Alive: timeout=60.}

Your iPhone should give you some clue of why don't like to play the video... :-\
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Offline surikat

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I would like to help you, so let's try from another point of view:

1) What error your iPhone 15 is giving you? (you say video 'it won't start', but more details are appreciated). If video displays only a black screen, you could try disabling 'GPU Process: Media', following this instructions HERE. But before doing any changes on your iPhone configuration, it would be great if you could upload here (on the forum) the logs of your video player. Check HERE to get instructions on how to get the logs, or see here: How do I view Safari log on iPhone?

2) What app are you using to play the videos? (native Safari player?)

3) Could you (temporary) try running HFS on standard port 80? instead of using port 32365 (perhaps your iOS player doesn't like playing videos on non-standard ports)

4) How about adding this (in your events file):
Code: [Select]
{.add header|Connection: keep-alive.}
{.add header|Keep-Alive: timeout=60.}

Your iPhone should give you some clue of why don't like to play the video... :-\

1.) Hi!   :)
I mainly use the developer structure, and also collect information from site users who have iOs 15.0
Trust me, this doesn't really work for many files. But without the share of hfs, it works ok.
No, not a black screen. The native screen of the device. Uploading, but no image. You can check it yourself on a real device with iOS 15.0 or 13.7.  For 14.5 it works ok. This is not a clear error!

2.) Native and safari browser.
3.) I have a http server on port 80. Unlikely.
4.) Done.