Macros could disconnect after connect; but, Only the .exe could do silence. That's the difference.
the exe disconnects only after connection. On this they are the same.
I also expect both methods to disconnect without sending bytes, if that's what you mean by silence.
The only difference i expect is that the script may take 1ms longer to do it, maybe less.
Therefore, I'd say there's no difference on the quality of their "silence", but let me know if I'm mistaken and how.
By the way, recently i've made some research to understand if it is possible for a server to see the address before accepting a connection, and possibly ignore the connection itself, but found nothing. Only software working at lower level than server seems to be able to do it. I still have some hope to find something but it's not a priority.
I also want to point that the script blocking the "/file" is not useful.
I was focusing on helping with the scripting, but I want to stress that there is no special meaning with /file, so there's no reason to treat it.
As I said in my first reply, the problem danny experienced was caused by the template being not compatible with 2.4 .
if reply/bytes are not sent then you cannot tell what protocol is the server for.
Alas, as i just said, there's no way to selectively ignore connections, but I accept suggestions.
That's okay. Except that auto-ban functionality needs to be added to hfs.exe as a clickable option in the gui.
I think temporary auto-ban, such as, fail login 5 times, then your ip won't connect for an hour. Because of recent changes, that option is now needed in the .exe.
I don't understand why you say that the changes made important for that feature to be in the GUI. The things seem unrelated to me.
By the way, did someone achieved this feature by scripting?
Edit: HFS 2.4 is more verbose at [error-page] with both a symbol and a footer that shows on the web browser--see attachment
this is the effect of the incompatibility that i mentioned. If you want to use the tpl with 2.4 you will have to make some changes.
sadly 2.4 being not final i cannot exclude further changes.
like your idea, but how about instead of using a 'disconnect' macro command (to close the connection), implementing (if HFS doesn't already have it) a macro to 'drop out' the connection (without giving a 'close' answer, to force the browser displaying a 'timed out' page). What do you think?...
this is the "impossible" thing i was talking above. The browser says 'timed out' if the connection is not established (in time).