if it is necessary to send the addition of a ban ip remotely, it must be sended a form to an hfs script that will support the addition of the value using the macro {.set ini | .} but it is delicate from a safe point of view
you must retrieve the set using {.get ini | ban-list.}
but the data in return are in the form| allowed| # NO!|
including pipes and making the management pretty tricky because of the macros.
it is probably necessary to use these macros, but I do not know the exact effects in the handling of text strings
'no pipe' replace '|' by '{:|:}'
'no pipe' replace '{:|:}' by '|'
the fields must be separated and then reassembled to be fed back into the configuration, which will have to be saved automatically at the output or at regular intervals or in force by means of a macro.
everything that includes remote hfs configuration management is a risk for hacking, especially when the exchanges are not done in SSL
it must be remembered that mishandling or erroneous data may create a ban rendering hfs unreachable
I do not know if there is an equivalent in English but as we say in France, "the game is not worth the candle"