I'd like there to be more features!

Such as:
A kind of {.load.} that can deal with binary files (
as this),
and a kind of {.load.} that can load a macro file without executing macros inside.
A macro that can pop up an input box, and get inputted values. (like {.prompt.})
It will be better if more mathematical macros are being introduced.
{.notify.} seems doesn't work in Windows 10. Fix it?
HFS automatically mirrors a shortcut (.lnk) to real address. It works for a file, or a folder, but doesn't work for a file "inside" a shortcut folder. Also fix this?
Maybe also a macro for adding files/links to VFS.
{.exec|hfs.exe file.txt.} works, but seems "multi-threaded", macros after it are executed before file.txt really added into VFS.