i will remove the limit on the search and consider it just as an option.
the amount of results can be also zero if you search billions of files, the point was for how long you will keep the server busy.
of course if it's you with your computer you don't want limits.
sadly if you launch a very long request but decide to stop it, Just closing the tab won't do, because the server receives no communication about it. (tested with Chrome)
This can keep you unable to do anything else.
I'm not sure what you mean by "archive hangs", and I don't know how to reproduce your problem with archives' size: i just tested getting a 11GB archive (32 files), and the server was still working after it. If it's not saturating its single-core CPU it will also still respond and let me browse the rest of the files while downloading.
I just made another test: 9.6G archive with 7k+ files in it, all ok. You should find out what's really is causing this 4G limit on your side, because sometimes things are not what they seem. I don't know...maybe you are saving to a FAT32 drive ? Or with a very old browser?
I'm having a serious problem with archives but doesn't match the description you sent me privately
A minute was long enough to try 2TB, but only 4GB is feasible so the server quits responding to connections, even though the ui is alive and set to on. Manually clicking off and then on, restores connectivity.
what i get instead is that too many files are in the archive (and not their size) hang HFS forever, no UI and no WEB and i can only kill it.
On my computer it was ok up to 50k files, but since this number probably depends on the specific machine I thought it was better to limit on the time it takes to collect them.
That's why a "kb" limit wouldn't help.