How do i replace the player?
That's hard to answer...
So what i have done was create a spot where the "new player" will be, and set it above the original one in the template jwplayer...
You should now have the capabilities to use java script / html "onclick events" and are able to trace the html files down to what is loading when....
Use the "Web console"
so, hear are some help full path locations:
edit the template look Under
This is where you will add the file to load into the player (was unable to figure it out 100%...)
the template done't have the file paths set yet it is using hfs macro %item-url% which need to go the the video player...
The creator of the post is using java script to manipulate the page in doing that, i'm not a jquery / java script coder, I know quite a bit of html / php....
also in the template, you will find html code for <center> this is the spot that all the files loads to form the script and the "click event"
so i crate the player above that....
So, thus, this is as far as i can and what i'm going to go with it...
*Link has been upgraded and updated....'t really have files to test the full template(the IMBM and other netflix like stuff), and this is the bare min you need to get things running
(i work in a custom location, i try to make things run anywhere, but i may put an exact location rom time to time...)
extract to the root of "c:"
path: "c:\hfs\*.*"
*Should work in any location, but untested...
Here is what i have done:
I've added the "players", but not a way to put the file to be played into it left html / hfs comments in the template!
Added RARW live template / additional html players
Added file vfs Structure in accordance to forum descriptions
Menu > html template > edit (F6)
Edit hfs.tpl to make changes to entire template
Here is a part of the test tpl unfinished...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
<title>HFSFLIX %folder%</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
<style type="text/css">\n%style%\n</style>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/template/hfsflix/favicon.ico" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/hfsflix/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/hfsflix/2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- Calls Potential Player Files NEED THIS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/global/topup/jquery.topup.packed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/global/live.script.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/global/video-js/video.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/template/hfsflix/jwplayer.js"></script>
<script src="/template/global/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf"></script>
<!-- Diable adds
must of been his jwplayer... probally don't need this -->
<style>.afs_ads{display:none !important;} .jw-captions {bottom: 0em !important;} .jw-skin-seven .jw-controlbar {width:99.9%; opacity:0.6;}</style>
<!-- UNKNOWN WHY - Not needed! assume login token acsess... probally don't need this -->
<!-- HFS Macro Called defiend later at bottom... -->
<!-- HFS Flix top left path location -->
<div class=big id="titulo" style="padding-top:10px;padding-left:15px;">{.breadcrumbs|{:<a href="%bread-url%">{.if|{.%bread-name%=.}|Home|%bread-name%.}/</a>:} .}</div>
<div class=body>
<!-- New video player here -->
<!-- onclick run script at the playe location code -->
<p> I'm the new player spot, still a work in progress </p>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/template/global/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf" width="1280" height="600">
<param name="movie" value="/template/global/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="flashVars" value="config={'playlist':[{'url':'%item-url%','autoPlay':false}]}" />
<!-- New video player here -->
<hr style="border-color:red;">
<br />
<div id="player" class="jwplayer" tabindex="0" ></div>
<div class="playertitle" id="playertitle"></div>
<div class="poster" id="poster"></div>
<!-- JS JWPLAYER html video player -->
<div id="player" class="jwplayer" tabindex="0" ></div>
<div class="playertitle" id="playertitle"></div>
<div class="poster" id="poster"></div>
<br />
<!-- JS HFSFlix script to put files into player and add netflix video extras -->
NOTE: This part is complex, do not touch unless you are certain that you understand how it works!
$('.img-zoom').hover(function() {
}, function() {
function player(url, title, format) {
var div = document.getElementById('playertitle');
div.innerHTML = "<div style='margin-top:30px;'></div>" + title + "<div style='margin-top:70px;margin-bottom:70px'><hr style='border-color:red;'></div>";
var playerInstance = jwplayer('player');
switch(format) {
case 'video': playerwidth = 1280;
playerheight = 720;
case 'audio': playerwidth = 600;
playerheight = 33;
} playerInstance.setup({
file: url,
skin: {
name: "seven"
width: playerwidth,
height: playerheight,
autostart: true,
tracks: [{
file: url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf(".")) + "",
label: "English",
kind: "captions",
"default": true,
file: url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf(".")) + "",
label: "Spanish",
kind: "captions"
captions: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
fontSize: 20,
edgeStyle: "raised",
backgroundOpacity: 0
function capitalizeEachWord(str) {
var words = str.split(" ");
var arr = Array();
for (i in words) {
temp = words
temp = temp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + temp.substring(1);
return arr.join(" ");
function urlcaratulaserie(serie) {
var base="/template/hfsflix/";
switch(serie) {
case "Better Call Saul": url="273181-g3"; break;
case "Daredevil": url="281662-g6"; break;
case "Dragon Ball Super": url="295068-g5"; break;
case "Fear the Walking Dead": url="290853-g4"; break;
case "Hardcore Pawn": url="183831-g2"; break;
case "Homeland": url="247897-g21"; break;
case "House of Cards": url="262980-g5"; break;
case "Humans": url="292124-g2"; break;
case "Manhattan": url="278468-g8"; break;
case "Minority Report": url="295680-g4"; break;
case "Mr. Robot": url="289590-g5"; break;
case "Orange Is The New Black": url="264586-g7"; break;
case "Orphan Black": url="260315-g8"; break;
case "Saint Seiya Omega": url="257997-g"; break;
case "Silicon Valley": url="277165-g5"; break;
case "South Park": url="75897-g7"; break;
case "The Walking Dead": url="153021-g43"; break;
case "True Detective": url="270633-g7"; break;
case "Under The Dome": url="264492-g4"; break;
case "Vikings": url="260449-g16"; break;
return base+url+".jpg";
function urlcaratulamovie(movie) {
movie = movie.replace(" [1080p]", "");
var moviemod = movie.substring(0,movie.length-7);
var year = movie.substring(movie.length-5,movie.length-1);
moviemod=moviemod.split(' ').join('_');
if (moviemod==="Alien_DC") url = baseurl + "Alien_1979_Dir_Cut";
else if (moviemod==="Alien_Resurrection_DC") url = baseurl + "Alien_Resurrection_1997_Special_Edition";
else if (moviemod==="Alien_3_DC") url = baseurl + "Alien_3_1992_Special_Edition";
else if (moviemod==="Aliens_DC") url = baseurl + "Aliens_1986_Special_Edition";
else if (moviemod==="Babylon_A.D.") url = baseurl + "Babylon_A_D_EXTENDED_2008";
else if (moviemod==="Big") url = baseurl + "Big_1988_Extended";
else if (moviemod==="Blade_Runner") url = baseurlhttps + "Blade_Runner_1982";
else if (moviemod==="Darkman") url = baseurlhttps+"Darkman_1990";
else if (moviemod==="Dawn_of_the_Dead") url = baseurlhttps + "Dawn_of_the_Dead_UNRATED_2004";
else if (moviemod==="Jaws") url = baseurlhttps + "Jaws_Quadrilogy_1975";
else if (moviemod==="Paranormal_Activity_3") url = baseurlhttps + "Paranormal_Activity_3_2011_UNRATED";
else if (moviemod==="Terminator_2_Judgment_Day") url = baseurlhttps + "Terminator_2_Judgment_Day_1991_DC";
else if (moviemod==="Terminator_Salvation") url = baseurlhttps + "Terminator_Salvation_2009_DC";
else if (moviemod==="The_Hills_Have_Eyes" || moviemod==="The_Hills_Have_Eyes_II") url = baseurlhttps + "The_Hills_Have_Eyes_duology_2006";
else if (moviemod==="The_Ring" || moviemod==="The_Ring_II") url = baseurlhttps + "The_Ring_Duology_2002";
else url = baseurl + moviemod + "_" + year;
url = url + "/medium-cover.jpg";
if (moviemod==="Sharknado_3_Oh_Hell_No") url = "";
return url;
function jsonomdbmovie(movie, year) {
jsonurl = baseurl + movie + "&y=" + year;
if(movie==="Alien+3+DC") jsonurl=baseurl+"Alien%C2%B3&y=1992";
if(movie==="Alien+DC") jsonurl=baseurl+"Alien&y=1979";
if(movie==="Alien+Resurrection+DC") jsonurl=baseurl+"Alien+resurrection";
if(movie==="Aliens+DC") jsonurl=baseurl+"Aliens";
if(movie==="Kick+Ass") jsonurl=baseurl+"Kick-Ass";
if(movie==="Legion") jsonurl=baseurl+"Legion";
if(movie==="Saw+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw";
if(movie==="Saw+II+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw ii";
if(movie==="Saw+III+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw iii";
if(movie==="Saw+IV+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw iv";
if(movie==="Saw+V+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw v";
if(movie==="Saw+VI+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw vi";
if(movie==="Saw+VII+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"saw 3d";
if(movie==="Sin+City+RECUT+EXTENDED+AND+UNRATED") jsonurl=baseurl+"sin city";
if(movie==="Spider_Man_Trilogy") jsonurl=baseurl+"spider-man";
return jsonurl;
function mostrarcaratula() {
var div = document.getElementById('poster');
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
if(x[2].innerHTML === "Movies/" && x[3].innerHTML.indexOf("Filename") == -1) {
var movie = x[3].innerHTML.substring(0,x[3].innerHTML.length-8);
var year = x[3].innerHTML.substring(x[3].innerHTML.length-6,x[3].innerHTML.length-2);
$.getJSON(jsonomdbmovie(movie.split(' ').join('+'),year), function(data) {
imdb = "<table style='float:left'><tr><td style='vertical-align:top; padding-top:9px'><a href='"+ data.imdbID + "/' target='_blank'><img style='float:left; margin-bottom:20px;' src='" + urlcaratulamovie(movie+" ("+year+")") + "' \></a></td>";
if(data.Title != undefined) {
imdb = imdb + "<td style='vertical-align:top'><div style='float:left; padding-left:20px; text-align:left;'>"
imdb = imdb + "<table><tr><td><span style='color:black; font-size:26pt'>" + data.Title + "</span>";
imdb = imdb + "<span style='color:gray'> (" + data.Year + ")</span></td></tr>";
imdb = imdb + "<tr><td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Genre + "</span></td></tr></table><br\>";
imdb = imdb + "<table><tr><td style='padding-right:20px'>Runtime</td>" + "<td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Runtime + "</span></td></tr>";
imdb = imdb + "<tr><td>Director</td>" + "<td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Director + "</span></td></tr>";
imdb = imdb + "<tr><td>Actors</td>" + "<td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Actors + "</span</td></tr>";
imdb = imdb + "<tr><td>Country</td>" + "<td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Country + "</span></td></tr>";
imdb = imdb + "<tr><td>Rated</td>" + "<td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Rated + "</span></td></tr></table><br/>";
imdb = imdb + "<table><tr><td>Plot</td></tr><tr><td><span style='color:dimgray'>" + data.Plot + "</span></td></tr></table><br/>";
imdb = imdb + "<table><tr><td><img src='/template/hfsflix/imdb.png'\></td><td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.imdbRating + "</span></td>";
imdb = imdb + "<td style='padding-left:20px'></td><td><img src='/template/hfsflix/metacritic.png'\></td><td><span style='color:gray'>" + data.Metascore + "</span></td></tr></table><br\>";
imdb = imdb + "</div></td>"
imdb = imdb + "</tr>";
div.innerHTML = imdb;
} else if(x[2].innerHTML === "Series/" && x[3].innerHTML.indexOf("Filename") == -1) {
var serie = x[3].innerHTML.substring(0,x[3].innerHTML.length-1);
div.innerHTML = "<img style='float:left; margin-bottom:20px;' src='" + urlcaratulaserie(serie) + "' \>";
function listfolder(itemname, itemurl) {
if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/Series/") {
document.write("<a href='"+itemurl+"'><img class='img-zoom' style='float:left;' alt='"+itemname+"' src='" + urlcaratulaserie(itemname) + "' title='" + capitalizeEachWord(itemname) + "'\>");
} else if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/Movies/") {
document.write("<a href='"+itemurl+"'><img class='img-zoom' src='" + urlcaratulamovie(itemname) + "' alt='" + capitalizeEachWord(itemname) + "' title='"+ capitalizeEachWord(itemname) + "' \>");
} else if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/") {
if(itemname==="Movies") {
document.write("<table><tr><td><a href='" + itemurl + "'><div style='float:left'><img class='img-zoom' src='/template/hfsflix/home-movies-icon.png' \></div></td>");
if(itemname==="Series") {
document.write("<td><a href='" + itemurl + "'><div style='float:left'><img class='img-zoom' src='/template/hfsflix/home-tvshows-icon.png' \></div></td></tr>");
document.write("<tr><td><center><span class=big style='color:black'>Movies</span></center></td>");
document.write("<td><center><span class=big style='color:black'>Series</span></center></td></tr></table><br><br><br>");
} else {
document.write("<tr><td class=row><a href='"+itemurl+"'><div style='float:left'>");
document.write("<img align=top src='/template/hfsflix/folder_black.png'/></div>");
document.write("<div style='margin-left:43px;padding-top:7px;'><b>" + itemname + "</b></div></a>");
function listfiles(itemname) {
if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/Series/") {
} else if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/Movies/") {
} else if(document.getElementById('titulo').innerText === "Home/") {
} else {
document.write("<br\><p align='center'><table cellpadding=6>");
document.write("<th><a><span class=column>Filename</span></a><th><th>");
<!-- HFS Macro Called defiend later at bottom... -->
<tr><td class=row>%new%<a href="%item-url%">
<div style="float:left"><img align=top src="/template/hfsflix/mkv.png" height="32" width="32"/></div>
<div style="margin-left:43px;padding-top:8px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">%item-name%</div></a><td class="row right" style="color:black;">%item-size%B
<td class="row right"><a href="#" onclick=""><img src="/template/hfsflix/play_netflix.png" width=32/></a>
<!-- can't paly yet -->
<tr><td class=row>%new%<a href="%item-url%">
<div style="float:left"><img align=top src="/template/hfsflix/movie.png" height="32" width="32"/></div>
<div style="margin-left:43px;padding-top:8px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">%item-name%</div></a><td class="row right" style="color:black;">%item-size%B
<td class="row right"><a href="#" onclick=""><img src="/template/hfsflix/play_netflix.png" width=32/></a>
<!-- can't paly yet -->
<tr><td class=row>%new%<a href="%item-url%">
<div style="float:left"><img align=top src="/template/hfsflix/movie.png"/></div>
<div style="margin-left:43px;padding-top:8px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">%item-name%</div></a><td class="row right" style="color:black;">%item-size%B
<td class="row right"><a href="#" onclick="player('%item-url%','%item-name%','video');"><img src="/template/hfsflix/play_netflix.png" width=32/></a>
<tr><td class=row>%new%<a href="%item-url%">
<div style="float:left"><img align=top src="/template/hfsflix/mp3.png"/></div>
<div style="margin-left:43px;padding-top:8px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">%item-name%</div></a><td class="row right" style="color:black;">%item-size%B
<td class="row right"><a href="#" onclick="player('%item-url%','%item-name%','audio');"><img src="/template/hfsflix/play_netflix.png" width=32/></a>