everything seems to happen in the template, look at the css part, , and that may be the ocasion to update towards hfs2.3e
[progress|no log]
#progress .fn { font-weight:bold; }
.out_bar { margin-top:0.25em; width:100px; font-size:15px; background:#fff; border:#555 1px solid; margin-right:5px; float:left; }
.in_bar { height:0.5em; background:#47c; }
<ul style='padding-left:1.5em;'>
{.if not|{.{.?only.} = down.}|{:
<li> Uploading %total% @ %speed-kb% KB/s
<br /><span class='fn'>%filename%</span>
<br />{.!Time left.} %time-left%"
<br /><div class='out_bar'><div class='in_bar' style="width:%perc%px"></div></div> %perc%%
{.if not|{.{.?only.} = up.}|{:
<li> Downloading %total% @ %speed-kb% KB/s
<br /><span class='fn'>%filename%</span>
<br />{.!Time left.} %time-left%"
<br><div class='out_bar'><div class='in_bar' style="width:%perc%px"></div></div> %perc%%