I'm thinking this is by design rather than a bug, but wanted to check: It does not seem that the %comment% tag provides any output to the basic text "~files.lst" page.
I have a simple hfs.filelist.tpl that for files that currently does just:
%item-name% %item-modified% %item-size-b%
This has been working as expected.
Today, I added "%comment%" after my %item-size-b% entry, restarted HFS, and got no change in output.
I've searched the forum for %comment%, and see that there's a long history of adding support for complex HTML and multiline output. My guess is that this makes it impossible to use comments in the text output for ~files.lst .
But, just to confirm, is there any way to get say, just the bare first line of a comment into the text-only output?