I hadn't used HFS for a while and now when I do a self test I get an error saying "Sorry, the test is unavailable at the moment." Port is forwarded, including deleting and adding a number of times to make sure. I disabled my firewall but still no joy. I'm at a loss as it generally works with no problems.
Good luck with the apartment hunting Rejetto, I hope it's relatively stress free. I've lived here 35 years, but I still remember the stress of finding a house to buy and move into.
edit: something strange is happening. If I set port to 8000 in HFS then try self test, the port changes to 8080. If I try self test again, the port in HFS changes back to 8000. I set port to 1001 in my router and in HFS, tried self test and the port in HFS changed to 8000.