Hey guys,
I've remasterd the Live template for my desires. The design is based on my w7 machine (background, windows icons).
I've changed the icons and added icons for word, excel, powerpoint, exe, images, sound files, video files, text files, default files, archives, msi, iso and mdf file, a setting icon and pdf.
http://nhatpg.deviantart.com/art/Big-Windows-7-s-icons-pack-111383821 for most of them.
Changed the navigation buttons with some this set:
http://gentleface.com/free_icon_set.htmlIf some buttons are disabled, they are not shown (.off) - buttons like Upload, Delete, Archive/Download - but anyone can see that in the buttons-sprite there already is a disabled version for the icons (I didn't really knew what I needed before creating them).
I would like to clarify some things:
- You guys can do with this whatever you like, I really do not care. I don't need a mention if there's gonna be a re-release of this (maybe being included in the next Live template update?
) or anything like that. The awesome part is the back-end, and the credit goes to RAWR Design.
- I'm not willing to update this template or offer support (of course, I will do that if someone needs it, but this template was build because I had some spare time in my work hours so I won't promise anything)
- There are some elements included in the template files and not used (see media.png icon and the ".off" version of the nav buttons)
http://nub.ro/hfs.zipYou need to replace Live-3.0.1.tpl also (I know, sucks), but I wanted to use PNG files and I've also added some icons to known extensions, thus the editing.
Works on latest Firefox, Chrome/Safari. Uses a shitload of box-shadow (some old browsers do not support this and you will probably get a really ugly template).