Set max file size for uploads
at the moment what you can do is using Menu > limits > minimum disk space
and with HFS 2.3 you can also add this event script (ALT+F6)
[upload completed]
{.if|{.%item-size-kb% > 2500.}|{: {.delete|%item-resource%.} :}.}
notice the 2500, it will delete all files over 2.5 MB
Set how much users can download in 24hrs
i hope soon we'll have a script to handle things like this
Set which file extensions you allow to be uploaded with check boxes
in HFS 2.3, right click > properties > upload filter mask
let's say you want only images, you can put there
*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.pngThe programs needs some custom templates to make the web page for your server look more professional they need to be previews of each one
i'm leaving this to users, since my time is not enough.
here you'll have an idea of what is already available.