This build will break some compatibility with previous macros, so please check the renamings!
download @'s new+ Menu -> Debug -> "Run script..."
+ Account notes (and related %user-notes%)
+ {.add folder.} always added to the root. Now (by default) to the current folder, but you can specify where by entering the full VFS path within the name
+ new {.get|stop spiders.}
+ new template macro: add to log
+ fingerprint and comment are delete when a file is deleted via web
* account link renamed to "member of"
* {.account linked.} renamed to {.member of.}
* {.set account|group.} renamed to {.set account|is group.}
* {.set account|link.} renamed to {.set account|member of.}
- once-real-now-virtual-folders continued to devolve their past upload permissions accounts: rename and ENTER, without any change, broken in recent build