It appears that the delphi 7 architect version cant compile hfs :cry: ...
SO, I what would be cool is to have an option to store/read the file's passwords from a .txt file. My main goal is to create an mIRC plugin that runs in conjunction with hfs to control downloads from users in an mIRC channel.
All I need to do this properly is have a actively update log file (which is already being done)... and a way to let other applications change the access password.
Unfortunately mIRC cannot modify registry entries, or interface with hfs actively, so the only way I can see other than programming hfs is to have mIRC modify these values in a file that hfs uses to store in a file.
By the way.. the compiler error I get is:
[Fatal Error] main.pas(40): File not found: 'wsocket.dcu'
which points to this line...
wsocket, {$IFDEF USEGIF} JvGIF, {$ENDIF}
in the library declaration section
as I said... I have the delphi 7 architect trial version
if you can help me out with this, thatd be great.