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wsocket v5.25

jeenyeong · 11 · 17898

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Offline jeenyeong

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i try to compile hfs myself with Borland Developer Studio 2006 Turbo Delphi Version 10.0.2288.42451 but i cant find the library that mention in the main.pas (  // 3rd part libs (ensure you have all of these, compare your version in file notes.txt)) i found the links in dev notes.txt but i still unable to find wsocket. i only can see there is twsocket in

after that i google with wsocket v5.25 and found it in Koders Code and the same version but once i compile i get some errors in wsocket. i think i get the wrong version. anyone can share all the library please..   :D

Here is the error i get
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2304): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2305): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2325): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2326): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2361): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2401): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2457): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GWSockCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2457): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2460): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2480): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2546): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GWSockCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2546): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2547): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2548): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2555): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GWSockCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2555): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2556): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(2557): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3526): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'XSocketAllocateHWnd'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3550): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'XSocketDeallocateHWnd'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3618): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3643): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3694): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(3713): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(5099): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'WSocket_WSAIoctl'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7334): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GClassCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7334): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7335): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GWSockCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7335): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7336): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'GSendBufCritSect'
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7336): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7356): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7358): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Error] wsocket.pas(7359): E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
[Pascal Fatal Error] main.pas(37): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'wsocket.pas'

and i stuck on this line in wsocket
procedure WSocketForceLoadWinsock;
        if not WSocketGForced then begin
            WSocketGForced := TRUE;

Offline SilentPliz

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i try to compile hfs myself with Borland Developer Studio 2006 Turbo Delphi Version 10.0.2288.42451 but i cant find the library that mention in the main.pas (  // 3rd part libs (ensure you have all of these, compare your version in file notes.txt)) i found the links in dev notes.txt but i still unable to find wsocket. i only can see there is twsocket in

Indeed wsocket is part of ICS lib from

You need have ICS V5 for compile HFS stable build or ICS V7 for compile recent beta builds

Don't forget to include the folder ~\YOUR_ICS_FOLDER\delphi\vc32\ in the Win32 libs path in Delphi
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 05:04:32 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline jeenyeong

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ok i had download hfs version 2.2f build 155 so i use ICS V5 to compile it. i added all the files in delphi\vc32\ but i still cant compile it  because i dont have a file call regexpr.dcu. i google the file and added in as what i did just now. i compile again and found this error from EmulVT.pas and now i am stuck.. please help me.. thanks a million

[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2967): E2052 Unterminated string
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2968): E2029 ';' expected but identifier 'v3' found
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2968): E2052 Unterminated string
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2969): E2029 ';' expected but identifier 'SpyFlag' found
[Pascal Fatal Error] hfs.dpr(96): F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\..\lib\OverbyteIcsV5\Delphi\Vc32\EmulVT.pas'

i change it to this and it works
   v1 : String = 'aeiou';
    v2 : String = '';
    v3 : String = '';

after that i found another error in C:\Users\JeenYeong\Desktop\tdp\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib\OverbyteIcsV5\Delphi\Vc32\IcsZLibObj.pas

else   zlibProblemString := 'Error n? + inttostr(-Code);

and i change it to

else   zlibProblemString := 'Error n? + inttostr(-Code)';

but now one more fix is mixing... timelist.dcu is missing again in websession.pas i google it and i cant find the file.. please help

[Pascal Fatal Error] WebSession.pas(60): F1026 File not found: 'TimeList.dcu'
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 10:31:38 PM by jeenyeong »

Offline SilentPliz

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ok i had download hfs version 2.2f build 155 so i use ICS V5 to compile it. i added all the files in delphi\vc32\ but i still cant compile it

No, you should not copy all files in delphi \vc32\
You must just add the path of ICS in Delphi options: ...\lib\OverbyteIcsICS\Delphi\Vc32

I attach other libs required
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 12:54:38 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline jeenyeong

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Finally found all the libraries... and successfully compile... thanks bro...  ;D
« Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 11:01:17 PM by jeenyeong »

Offline tukaee

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Can reupload regexpr?
Because I got this error [DCC Error] utillib.pas(170): F1026 File not found: 'regexpr.dcu'
I am using D2007 with Windows 7 32bit.

No, you should not copy all files in delphi \vc32\
You just had to add the path of ICS in Delphi options: ...\lib\OverbyteIcsICS\Delphi\Vc32

I attach other libs required
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 12:47:43 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline SilentPliz

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« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 12:49:43 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline tukaee

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Alright, but it is not the link I mean. I'm ask for regexp.pas
Hi tukaee! :)

The links above are always valid.,9306.msg1052833.html#msg1052833
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 11:39:57 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline SilentPliz

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Alright, but it is not the link I mean. I'm ask for regexp.pas

 ... regExp.pas is in the .zip file. Install it... it's the good one.

regExp.dcu will be created after install.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 02:48:38 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline rejetto

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all required libraries (and related websites for downloading) are listed in the file "developer notes.txt"

Offline tukaee

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Alright thank you. I got it working fine now.

all required libraries (and related websites for downloading) are listed in the file "developer notes.txt"