ok i had download hfs version 2.2f build 155 so i use ICS V5 to compile it. i added all the files in delphi\vc32\ but i still cant compile it because i dont have a file call regexpr.dcu. i google the file and added in as what i did just now. i compile again and found this error from EmulVT.pas and now i am stuck.. please help me.. thanks a million
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2967): E2052 Unterminated string
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2968): E2029 ';' expected but identifier 'v3' found
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2968): E2052 Unterminated string
[Pascal Error] EmulVT.pas(2969): E2029 ';' expected but identifier 'SpyFlag' found
[Pascal Fatal Error] hfs.dpr(96): F2063 Could not compile used unit '..\..\..\lib\OverbyteIcsV5\Delphi\Vc32\EmulVT.pas'
i change it to this and it works
v1 : String = 'aeiou';
v2 : String = '';
v3 : String = '';
after that i found another error in C:\Users\JeenYeong\Desktop\tdp\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib\OverbyteIcsV5\Delphi\Vc32\IcsZLibObj.pas
else zlibProblemString := 'Error n? + inttostr(-Code);
and i change it to
else zlibProblemString := 'Error n? + inttostr(-Code)';
but now one more fix is mixing... timelist.dcu is missing again in websession.pas i google it and i cant find the file.. please help
[Pascal Fatal Error] WebSession.pas(60): F1026 File not found: 'TimeList.dcu'