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a newbies impressions and thoughts

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Offline Joshman

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Thank you!

This program is quite intuitive and at a high level easy to use; there is no huge installation process and its on/off share/dont share simplicity helps make it wonderful.

Some of my impressions and areas of potential growth
GUI: The popout menus are huge and numerous / replace with a window with tabs
Options: many of the options are clear but those that are not had me looking through the wiki and forums for explainations and uses / clearer documentation or context explainations would be nice
Wiki: helpful, needed
Forums: helpful, easy to get lost in/engrossed with  :D
Windows Firewall stopped me for two days before I realized what was happening >:( just in case anyone else didnt think that was a problem
Default template: intuitive, less than visually appealing (compared to live)
Some features that may not even be possible to implement
could not upload a .exe file  ???
thumbnail support in the default template. I know its a goal already and I know other templates can support that feature but they tend to miss other important features, like deleting files or creating folders.
Video/audio support in the browser like YouTube. (again supported in default template)
I have a crazy Idea for having a chat log where my family can just post a message for everyone else to see. a chatlog file stored in a folder, I make it sound so easy when I ask others to figure out how  ::)
User defined archive, select specific files to download as a group. Like from list view
.zip or .rar capability
Im sure im insane for mentioning it but drag and drop capability for files/folders upload? well I dream big... lol
One click scripting to upload an entire folder subfolders? Ie pictures 06-2010, or music
hmmmm a template builder.. yep that'd be cool... its apparenly time for me to stop before I ask you to recreate the world. again, thank you for your hard work, dedication and commitment.

Offline rejetto

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welcome, and thank you for your opinions :)
gui: right, that's planned for future versions
options: until the previous step is done, only documentation is possible, and it takes time. I put it on wiki to let people contribute, and someone gave a huge help indeed.
forums: sadly the search doesn't work that well. I don't know how to solve.
firewall: maybe i could show an additional warning for the first start, before the firewall will prompt the user.

there's no limit on exe files, you did something wrong.
the chat was already made by someone on the forum, i know at least "french can can" and "tsg" made their own version.
most of times a "shoutbox" should be enough. If you don't know it, google for: shoutbox free.
User defined archive: already available in the default template.
drag&drop: i don't know a good/compatible way to get it.
folder upload: that can be done as a template feature, i mean, without changing anything in hfs.exe, even just an "unzip" feature. I will think of it for the default template.