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Server overloaded

gijs46 · 6 · 6701

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Offline gijs46

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I have to say I really like FHFS, and it has worked for a few hours, until I decided to test my connection (self test). It crashed and it won't run any more. The following error appears:
"No responce was received when the server tried to load it's start script anf FHFS can't continue. Is the server being prematurely overloaded?"

and in the terminal at the background:

Code: [Select]
De FHFS-Filezilla-service is niet gestart. [service has not been started]

Typ NET HELPMSG 3521 voor meer hulp. [for more help]

De stunnel-service is niet gestart. [service has not been started]

Typ NET HELPMSG 3521 voor meer hulp. [for more help]

FHFS has been shut down successfully!
Druk op een toets om door te gaan. . .

When I ran FHFS for the first time, it gave me a couple of errors, the same as in the terminal, but it did work back then.
The only way I found to fix it, was to reinstall FHFS. Any ideas?

- Gijs

Offline raybob

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That means a few things... either a) your server is being accessed by too many people while it's starting (this will be fixed in 2.1), or b) your computer is under some sort of other load that causes HFS to jam up while it's trying to start FHFS.

Offline gijs46

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Thanks for your answer, but nobody is trying to access the server (I only share it with one friend). Also, even when I reboot my pc, it still won't run. As I said before, the only solution I found is reinstalling FHFS

Offline raybob

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I'm not sure then.  Something is definitely causing the start script to take longer than it should, that's the only way that would appear.

Maybe it was hung up on accessing the start server or it had some error during the script or something...

Anyway it would be nice if I could change the timeout associated with {.load.}, but I can't.

Offline gbrat

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I got this error when IIS was already running and bound to port 80. I changed the HFS port and it kept saying server busy until i removed it, stopped iis and restarted it.

Offline raybob

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You're not supposed to change the FHFS port by changing it in HFS, you're supposed to go through the admin console.  So you have to start FHFS on its default port w/ IIS stopped, change the FHFS port in the admin console, then start IIS again.

There is a way around it but I can't remember off the top of my head.