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Messages - NagatoYuki

Pages: 1
Beta / Re: Testing build #194
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:08:31 PM »
Sorry for asking question here, but I wanna to know what difficulty issus causes HFS cannot fully support Unicode.

Beta / Re: Testing build #187
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:25:33 PM »
nagato, i didn't have any luck on reproducing the bug yet, but it's a huge problem, lots of people have that problem, even european languages
Well, I didn't know what your case is used to test...
As my post said, the deep issues relate to system codepage the client and HFS using.
(Until HFS use the Unicode-components to deal with files I/O...)

But it seems that HFS isn't able to accept a filename with semicolon ';' ,and it cuts off the filename after semicolon...

Beta / Re: Testing build #187
« on: July 04, 2008, 06:17:22 PM »
The Unicode NCR support is still buggy...

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Even worse CJK support in ver. 2.3?
« on: June 28, 2008, 05:00:47 PM »
I have test the lastest beta version of HFS 2.3 build 186.
But it seems that it cannot handle filenames with CJK characters.

There is an example filename:

If I just use the default setting, it show that...

Upload failed, Not allowed: 雪、無音、????。cokesi-MIX(sm1843138).mp3
Upload failed, Error creating file: I:\Upload\雪、無音、????。cokesi-MIX(sm1843138).mp3: 雪、無音、????。cokesi-MIX(sm1843138).mp3

OK, that because HFS cannot handle Unicode Windows API...

But, I edit the template, replace all "charset=UTF-8" with "charset=BIG5"...

it show that...
Upload failed, Error creating file: I:\Upload\"雪、無音、&#31379: "雪、無音、&#31379

The Unicode numeric character reference [NCR] (e.g.  窓) cause this error...

However, HFS 2.2, when I replace all "charset=UTF-8" in the template with "charset=BIG5"...

Uploading 雪、無音、窓辺にて。cokesi-MIX(sm1843138).mp3
Fully uploaded -  4.72 MB @ 889 KB/s

The filename is a bit strange, but the upload process is able to finish.

The character isn't found in the charset(Codepage) of webpage, the browser sent them as Unicode NCR.
However, HFS cannot handle them well...
So, there should be options the template[or HFS] use DBCS mode or Unicode(UTF-8) Mode...
If it is difficult to be done, Fully Unicode Native Support is need to implement.

Is HFS code in delphi? Ok, the delphi program is able to implement Unicode Support, such as the KMPlayer.
And, the setting file should be in UTF-8 while the program is Unicode one :)

Oh, Dose HFS has auto rename function for upload file? It a temporary way to solve the issus...

Anyway, I cannot found a such best mini program. Thanks rejetto for HFS :)

Nagato Yuki

Pages: 1