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Software => HFS ~ HTTP File Server => Bug reports => Topic started by: lefreak on May 28, 2008, 12:22:02 PM
I use SkyDrive from Windows Live ( As I tried to install a plugin called "RichUpload" in order to be able to upload a lot of photos by drag & drop, nothing happened when double klicking on "RichUpload.msi". Later I saw that HFS had added it to the virtual file system. It can be reproduced, but it shouldn't happen, should it?
Other MSI Packages are not affected, at least not those that I tried.
I'm using HFS 2.3 beta - Build #185
Right click on that package (in Windows Explorer). Is Add to HFS in bold? It may have accidentally become the default action.
Just select Install from the menu and the plugin should install normally.
Yes, "Add to HFS" is in bold, but only for this msi-package. When I look up in the settings of Windows Explorer, the file name extension .msi is not assigned to HFS ... strange. Thank you for quick response, have a nice weekend!
To avoid bad actions on files of unknown types, it is enough to put the value by default with the value ' open '. Consult and integrate(join) the attached file into the base of register
default action.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
rename attached file .txt to .reg