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Adding Remote Upload to HFS...

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Offline LeoNeeson

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I'm always thinking new features that can be great for HFS. Like this one...

Remote URL upload: Upload files from remote servers directly to your HFS server.

Imagine you are on a mobile connection (or on the road), and someone has a file in his HFS server (or anywhere), and you want to upload it directly to your HSF server. Imagine you have a direct link that you know it will expire in a few hours, and you want to upload it to your server directly. All this can be done using Remote URL upload. Obviously this, like any other feature, can be disabled or password protected (and may come disabled by default). I think you know how this works. It's like "interconnecting" servers, a very cool feature. I think it may be easy to implement it, since it's not exactly about uploading a file. It's more about downloading a file, since your server will be downloading a file from a remote location and saving it in a local "shared" folder. And voila!...

Again, this is only a suggestion, not a request. There is no pressure at all, not obligation or whatever. My only wish is to put my "two cents" in this proyect, at least giving ideas. :)

In case you add this, it will be usefull to have an option to know the free space available in the server (or set a limit). Hope you like it!

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Offline rejetto

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it can be done through the template.
the attachment is a proof-of-concept.
making it better it's up to you!

just put it in a real folder and you'll see

Offline LeoNeeson

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Thank you, I will check it in a few days. :)
Right now I'm having very little free time.
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.