It seems to work fine. I just changed the ports (my HFS runs on 8080) and used my own self-signed cert (Let's Encrypt only works for Internet-accessible servers, due to the verification process).
I'm using OpenSSL to create my certs, though, so I don't have to rely on a random server in the Internet.
openssl.exe req -new -config openssl.cfg -outform PEM -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -sha384 -days 730 -nodes -verbose -out "cert.crt" -keyout "cert.key"
-new - create new cert
-config openssl.cfg is the name of the OpenSSL config file (you can have many)
-outform PEM - output format PEM
-newkey rsa:2048 - RSA key with 2048 bits strength
-x509 - don't do a certificate request (for CA)
-sha384 - hash used for cert
-days 730 - validity period
-out "cert.crt" -keyout "cert.key" - names of the created cert and key.
Get OpenSSL for Win here: