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Messages - DAD1977

Pages: 1
But this will work only with next release, version 2.3f
and be careful as i didn't test it :P would you? this is a preview
if you give me your ok i will publish it

I realized that this was a reference to the test version 2.3f with [stream ready]. This version I downloaded and tested, but [stream ready] not worked.

This script is not working. I try your option:
... > 2000000 ...
... < 2000000 ...
and experimented with script:
Code: [Select]
[+ stream ready]
{.if | {.% is-archive%.} | {:
  {.disconnect reason | archive too big.}
} . }
Code: [Select]
[+ stream ready]
{.if | {.% stream-size%> 2000000 .} | {:
  {.disconnect reason | archive too big.}
} . }

But the result is not available; HFS did not respond to the script; restart HFS does not work too.
I used:
- Windows 8.1 with IE11 and Mozilla 29
- Windows XP SP3 with IE8 and Mozilla 9

my opinion: limit the size of the archive is very important, because a many long time (~30 hours) multiple simultaneous downloads use a lot of RAM. Usually, I get an error "Out of memory" when the size of the allocated RAM for HFS is about 1.8 GB.

P.S.: There is a wish:  in HFS box with info about current connections add the ability to sort the data in columns: IP-address, File, Time.....  This function helps quickly navigate the data, when more than 20 downloads in window HFS.

Thank you for the program.

Hallo, rejetto.

The use of scripts is very helpful in the work site.
I want to put a limit to download as a tar-file folders larger than 2 GB.
But the above script does not work .
[+archive name]
{.if|{.%stream-size% > 2000000000.}|{:
  {.disconnect reason|archive too big.}
I experimented with a limit of 2 MB.
Function %stream-size% produces a result of "0".
As a result, disconnect does not occur and the tar-file is downloaded.

I use  build 293.


Beta / Re: speed limit for file format
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:03:20 AM »
Thanks for the quick reply.
About this function I know. I'm more interested in how to make this function (max simultaneous downloads from single address) is applied for only to AVI files.

This is due to the fact that if this  function (max simultaneous downloads from single address) is enabled , the download pages with lots of pictures and icons errors occur . On the page a few photos from the first time are not loaded. I think that the requests for uploading photos to the pages partially blocks HFS. It is necessary to update the page again . Chat is similar to the first time will not boot.

Pусский / RAWR-Template + плеер из шаблона Live
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:47:48 AM »
Перепробовал все шаблоны, в которых есть возможность просмотра видео роликов, в т.ч. RAWR-Template-0.1.3.
При этом у всех большой недостаток - в браузерах Internet Explorer и Chrom не работают все функции (пауза, перемотка, громкость ...), т.е. идет только воспроизведение с самого начала и всё. Пробывал на разных компьютерах и с разными ОС - результат нулевой. На других браузерах с функциями всё нормально.

Решил перейти на другой плеер, а именно как в Live (в нем воспроизведение со всеми функциями работают нормально в любых браузерах).
Так как я уже давно использую RAWR-Template, то пришлось встраивать в шаблон новый плеер. Хотел сделать самостоятельно. За 2 дня с трудом всунул плеер, но пропали в плеере кнопки влево, вправо. Думаю, что это связано с тем, что плеер не может получить данные со станицы о количестве файлов для воспроизведения.

Где искать решение проблемы, не знаю. Теперь уже нужна помощь других форумчан.

Если кто нибудь уже до меня встраивал в RAWR-Template или в подобный шаблон плеер от Live, поделитесь ссылкой на свой шаблон.

Заранее спасибо.


01.05.2015 - плеер встроил. работает замечательно в любом браузере

Beta / Re: speed limit for file format
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:34:03 PM »
Hello , help write a scripting with 2 simultaneous constraints :

- maximum speed for downloads files AVI or TAR - 50 kB/s
and maximum 1 simultaneous downloads files these types (AVI or TAR) for single IP-adress.

I want, one IP could not simultaneously download 2 or more movies (avi) or archives (tar). Also could not download using "Download manager" with multiple streams . In this case, the download speed of these types of files should not exceed 50  kB/s.

I understand that it is necessary to add the above script
limit on the number of simultaneous downloads for single adress

Code: [Select]
{.set speed limit for connection|
  {.switch| %item-ext%|| avi tar|50 | -1 .}

I think, to use the command ".current downloads", but not know how.
Tell me, please .

Pages: 1