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Small reminder about EVENTS and

Mars · 9 · 21955

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Small reminder: Available sections in   ( hfs.exe build 232)

-->> Launched at every time hfs.exe is executed
-->>  you can put in this section some macro as {.set ini|...... .}

-->> before hfs.exe is closed

[server start]
-->>  Lauched every time hfs is switched ON  (key F4  or macro {set ini|active=yes.} )

[server stop]
-->>  Lauched every time hfs is switched OFF  (key F4  or macro {set ini|active=no.} )

-->> similar to the 'connected event' in log

-->> similar to the 'disconnected event' in log

-->> launched every time hfs becomme a request from a browser

-->> launched before the  'unauthorized' section of hfs.tpl

[on macro rename]
-->>perform renaming via {.rename.} macro.

[archive name]
optional:  %mode%          ->> %mode%  is 'selection' or 'folder'
-->> used to rename a tar file before sending it to the user


-->> launched when anybody download a file or a TAR archive

[download name]
%item-name%           (it is the default value to be used or nothing)
-->> can be used to rename a download file before sending to the user

[download completed]
-->> Lauched when the last byte of a download file is sended to the user


[upload name]
%item-name%            (it is the default value to be used or nothing)
-->> can be used to rename an uploaded file before saving it in the current folder

[upload completed]
-->> launched every time that an upload of one file is finish with success  

[upload failed]
-->> launched every time that an upload of one file has failed  

[on macro rename]
  %old-name%   and  %new-name%
-->> launched every time that a file is renamed by macro
[on macro move]    not implemented yet
[on macro copy]     not implemented yet
[on macro delete]     not implemented yet

[every (time)]  and    [at (time)]  

[every XXX] and [at HH:MM]

XXX is in seconds, but you can use minutes or hours. examples

[every 5]   (that is 5 seconds)
[every 3 hours]
[every 4h]
[every 15 minutes]
[every 1.5m]   (that is 90 seconds)
[every 1:15 min]  (that is 75 minutes)

HH:MM is instead in standard 24 hours format, but you can do things like

[at 0:00=at 6:00=at 12:00=at 18:00]
this will trigger every six hours, but at specific times.
while [every 6 hours] would trigger at same intervals but differently placed in time.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 11:19:05 PM by Mars »

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It will be good to move this topic into 'HTML and templates' board and notice it as the topic '  HFS - Template Help and Information - Wiki Links' to maintain it at the head of the topics list

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Maybe the wiki topic should be moved to the main section so it can be used for events and html templates.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 11:07:12 PM by Kremlin »

Offline rejetto

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Maybe the wiki topic should be moved to the main section so it can be used for events and html templates.

i didn't understand your suggestion.
what you mean by "wiki topic" and "main section"?

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