Just curious if anyone has setup or started doing something that might enable a count.. (No i don't need a count, jsut want to see if there is a way to add too it...
I have a download link a Http:/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/file
I want to program a way so when a "guest/user" clicks to access the file that the webpage goes to:
then the next time a user goes to it:
And continually going up...
Possible using VBA with a code like:
Sub URL()
Dim URL As String
Dim count as interger
Dim urlpath as string
URL = "
count code code
urlpath = URL + count ...etc...
Just curious if anyone may have a solution to it or have a programmed idea on how to "html web code it"
as i haven't started searching on it...
If it can't be done with programming in a website, then i can see it being a option in hfs:
(It could be a program serve things that can be implemented) i can see an option in the hfs menu item being "add a ?# to download links".....
Any Thoughts or ideas?