rejetto forum

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Everything else / A simple chatrooms with video chat support.
« Last post by mzw18667 on August 25, 2024, 02:24:47 PM »
Hi all, I made this one after I publish "webd". Hope you like it.
If you find it usefull, please share it somewhere else, it's important for me to run it sustainablity.

No Registration Needed, easy to create your own chatroom.
  • Just pick up some groupname&password and nickname to create a chatroom and login.
  • Share the same groupname&password (or link) to others to let them join in the same chatroom.
  • Same groupname with a different password will lead to a different chatroom.
  • Chat contents encrypted at frontend.
Video Call Supported.
  • If only two in chatroom, just click the phone button to video call another one.
  • If there's more than two, first click one's name to enter private chat mode, then click the phone button.
  • Also in private chat mode, text message only send to the one target, and the text color is different.

Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by LeoNeeson on August 11, 2024, 12:25:15 AM »
It's still working here, and I agree that the main reason of all this problem (and also of having too many spam accounts), is the use of fake/disposable email address to register (like you said 'invalid addresses'). If we filter that registration comes ONLY from common respectable email providers, like: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Yandex, GMX, QQ, etc. then those spam accounts will be much less.

Reading a forum thread on SMF Community Forum, about "Restrict email providers on registration", I've found THIS mod, which works with current SMF version, and has a very useful option named "Only allow these providers" (along with preventing people using their email addresses as usernames).

PS: nothing is perfect, since one Gmail account could have MANY email alias (and register many accounts on the forum using those alias). So, it would be great if we could 'clean' the email username from any "+" (plus symbols) and "." (dots), when someone is using Gmail to register to avoid the 'alias' trick. Perhaps that mod that I mentioned, has this feature too (I don't know).
Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by rejetto on August 10, 2024, 11:18:26 PM »
i think the email is not working again.
my provider interrupts the service because a lot of emails fails, because of spammers who register on the forum with invalid addresses.
i think "questions" don't work because i installed the "stop spammer" plugin.
Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by LeoNeeson on August 06, 2024, 02:26:55 AM »
it should be fixed now.
Yes, I confirm that now it works... :)

works as expected, bots will be able to have fun again
To avoid bots, according to forum's documentation, "the most efficient anti-spam method provided by SMF" by default, without having to install any -Mod- (modification), is enabling "Verification Questions". I've read that adding three simple (but not so obvious) questions stops most bots. I highly recommend adding this to relieve Mars's task of cleaning the forum. 8)
Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by Mars on August 05, 2024, 11:19:54 PM »

works as expected, bots will be able to have fun again

Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by rejetto on August 05, 2024, 07:27:22 PM »
it should be fixed now.
sorry guys
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: how to inline images in folder view
« Last post by hanshenrik on August 01, 2024, 03:35:45 PM »
Could try the thumbnails plugin:
But I don't really trust the author, looks like a shady fellow.
So I wrote this custom-html-footer code:
Code: [Select]
(function () {
    // todo: is there an event fired by HFS when all elements are loaded? that would be better than this retry approach.
    let retryUntilSuccessFunction;
    retryUntilSuccessFunction = function () {
        let images = document.querySelectorAll('span[role="img"].fa-image');
        if (images.length === 0) {
            setTimeout(retryUntilSuccessFunction, 100);
        document.querySelectorAll('span[role="img"].fa-image').forEach(function (el) {
            let span = el;
            while (el.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() !== 'a') {
                el = el.parentNode;
            let url = el.href;
            let imageElement = document.createElement('img');
            imageElement.src = url;
  ['max-width'] = '500px';

- half-joking, I need to be able to specify max-width, made a feature request here
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: how to inline images in folder view
« Last post by hanshenrik on August 01, 2024, 02:54:07 PM »
Now I want to do the same on HFS3, anyone know how?
Everything else / Re: Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by mzw18667 on July 26, 2024, 02:33:55 AM »
good to know, thanks.
Everything else / Message to Rejetto: forum's email is broken
« Last post by LeoNeeson on July 24, 2024, 12:08:26 AM »
Hi!, this is a message to Rejetto. :) I have his email, but I don't want to bother him with this, so I use this space to report that the forum's email system is completely broken. The forum system DOES NOT send any email. This means the following:

- Users doesn't get notifications of new 'Private Messages', neither of emails sent through the forum.
- Users doesn't get notifications of new posts, in case they were subscribed to get email notifications.

- New users can't signup/register, since they can't get the verification link, sent by the forum via email.

ยป Summarizing: any email sent through the forum, is lost and never sent...

Since this forum is using "OVH Web Hosting", perhaps the following link helps you:

@Rejetto: I hope you can fix it, but there is no pressure on doing it.
Take the time you need, but please don't forget about it. ;)
Thank you, and sorry for opening this thread.
