ok.. so why is it requesting this....
2/26/2009 8:31:21 AM Requested GET
http://thecric.free.fr/AZenv/azenv.phpthe web address doesn't even show as valid .... it showed up as soon as I removed the "only served requests" option?
[ok.... tested that option .. the results are still the same... as long as the "video" files are under restricted access... folders or individual files.... the player still shows the error saying either the file doesn't exist or that the server is blocking access.. and I have used 5 different players. This behavior persists even if only the parent folder is set for restricted access. this behavior does not exist for audio files.]
which brings me back to a previous suggestion on the command menu... when creating/adding a restricted folder that contains video files... there should be a prompt asking if the folder contains video files.. which when checked would automatically set the flags needed;
{is this a restricted resource? Yes/No} if no .. it just creates/adds the folder
{is this a restricted resource? Yes/No} if yes... goes to prompt; {is/does this resource contain a video file? Yes/No} if yes... then it automatically sets the anonymous flag and opens the permissions tab to let you choose which users have access... if no.. then it just takes you to the permissions access tab.
this should only take place when creating.. after that.. it just goes to the properties page normally.
ok after more testing... it's no longer hanging when the ANYONE flag is set instead on the resource itself.. the files serve with no problems... but if the restricted resource folder is not under a parent folder, that option isn't very reasonable because it doesn't distinguish between the accounts that are allowed to see the files and those that are not.
when under a parent... it should distinguish from only those accounts that are checked under the parent folder for restricted access.. and the accounts that are not allowed should not be highlighted.
when the resource is by itself then the ANONYMOUS flag should be checked instead .... so there should also be an additional prompt to ask if its a stand alone resource or if its under a parent folder.. unless its easier to code it to determine if its already under a restricted parent folder.. and then the VIDEO FOLDER option would set either the ANYONE or the ANONYMOUS flag as required.
the reason this is of such concern for me is that I have some file content that IS NOT "family friendly" and I wouldn't want anyone to have accidental access to that content because the wrong flag was set.
(restricted access parent folder)
child folder = ANYONE - only applies to accounts with parent folder access
(restricted access standalone/single folder/file)
content access = ANONYMOUS - only applies to accounts with access
but as stated.. in this instance it applies only to folders containing video, since this issue only seems to apply to that content.. it has no effect on pics, music etc