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Version 2.0.x Minor Feature Requests & Bug Reports

raybob · 29 · 43899

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Offline raybob

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Any requests for small new features (wishlists), or general discussion about the development of 2.0.x can be held here.

For build-specific bug reports or issues related to 2.0.x, create a topic with your version number in the title.

Any feature requests/wishlists will now be considered for 2.1, which is in the planning state.  See the topic dedicated to it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 08:35:24 PM by raybob »

Offline makwuzz

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I've added a few accounts. I let a couple of hours later, about 4-5 hours. error occurs when I try to login. The error message is "authenticating" that stuck well to hang HFS.
When i tried to reinstall it several times, about 5 times. This happens over and over again continuously.

My advice, there is an auto backup feature if a registrant account. so, if there is an error like that and I reinstall fhfs, I did not lose all my accounts.

Thank you so much.

Offline raybob

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There already is that feature.  Go to the admin console and find the 'export accounts' button.

It sounds like your problem is not of the server being corrupt but rather HFS crashing for whatever reason.

Just go into task manager and end the process 'server.dll' then shutdown, restart the server using the main Launcher, no need to reinstall.

Two questions:
1) Did you create the accounts with the normal new account page, in the admin console, or directly in HFS?
2) Can you still access other pages in FHFS after it hangs when signing in?

If you want the bug to be fixed, try uploading a macros log that captures the events immediately before and during the failed logon.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 06:12:44 PM by raybob »

Offline makwuzz

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Yes. I already knew about the account backup feature. but that's not what I mean.
I mean, if someone was registering an account, then FHFS can do automated backups of newly registered accounts without me into the admin console. Because when there is an error as I did today, I did not lose the account.

Yap. I was already turned off "server.dll process" in task manager forcibly. Then I restart FHFS through the main launcher, still I can not log in using one registered account. Even using an administrator account. So I could not get into the admin console and backup account that eventually required me to reinstall FHFS and aya lost all registered accounts.
After I reinstall FHFS, I was trying to register some new accounts. Then I waited for some time, about 3-4 hours. And when I try to login, the same error occurs again. And so on.
I had thought that the error was my windows. Therefore I also have tried to reinstall windows. then i update it and install FHFS. But still the same error repeated. : (

1. I created a new account through the normal new account page.
2. Yes I can access other pages in FHFS, like Create an account, Security, Contact, etc.. But when I do log in, there was an error.

I hope the files I uploaded are the files you need.

Anyway, there is more hope and my question.
1. When I upload via filezilla client, why limit registered account does not work? I can upload a file (7GB) that the amount exceeds the limits "account limit" (2Gb).
2. Am I able to set up access to my server so that only people who live in countries south korea?
3. Can direct link to the file uploaded by the registered account has a limit of a grace period? Once beyond the grace period then, direct url link is missing / can not be accessed anymore. For example, any direct link can only be accessed for 4 hours.

Thanks for your answers and help.

Offline raybob

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Anyway, there is more hope and my question.
1. When I upload via filezilla client, why limit registered account does not work? I can upload a file (7GB) that the amount exceeds the limits "account limit" (2Gb).
2. Am I able to set up access to my server so that only people who live in countries south korea?
3. Can direct link to the file uploaded by the registered account has a limit of a grace period? Once beyond the grace period then, direct url link is missing / can not be accessed anymore. For example, any direct link can only be accessed for 4 hours.

I'll take a look at the logs.

1) There is no way to limit usage via Filezilla, sadly (that I know of).  You'll notice though that if you log on with HTTP it'll tell you you're over the limit.  Account usage is calculated when logging on, logging off, deleting files, and uploading files, only.  I have 'consider a different FTP program' written down in my todo list.  Filezilla client is great but the server is rather average... my other concern with it is that it only stores passwords as unsalted MD5 hashes :(

2) No.  I do believe HFS has an option though to only allow certain IPs and IP ranges to connect.  I don't know of ANY web server that can allow only certain countries to connect.  That would involve looking up every single IP's country of origin and then deciding whether or not to allow the connection... potentially a time-consuming process to say the least.

3) No.  After 4 hours you can just rename the file.

--- EDIT: So I looked at the logs... if you can any time and wanna be really super helpful you can go into HFS, click on the menu, then debug, then enable macros log.  Then try to log in (after you know it will fail).  Then upload the file macros-log.html (or send it to since it will probably contain sensitive data).

--- EDIT: I have an idea what might be causing your problem... did you by chance reboot your computer at all between accounts working and not working?  HFS might be failing to save its ini file for whatever reason... upload your files 'hfs.ini' and 'hfs.vfs' before and after the problem.

--- EDIT: When the logon fails, does HFS itself actually lock up and not respond to any more requests?  Because according to the log it responded to the signin request with a "200 OK"
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 03:52:37 PM by raybob »

Offline raybob

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Scrap everything above, I've identified the problem!

It seems to be a result of this bug:,10326.0.html

But of course there's a workaround :)

Put the patched file attached below in your FHFS folder and let me know if it solves the problem.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 03:42:06 PM by raybob »

Offline makwuzz

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After I replace the file to a folder ajax.signin.tpl fhfs, I can login.  ;D

Thank you very much.

By the way, I observe, the solution of my problem, you remove the line "{. If | {. ^ Notes | {. ^ Username.} | PassresetID.} | {:" On file ajax.signin.tpl.

Are there any negative consequences arising from the removal of syntax?

Offline raybob

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No, that is still there, and don't delete it or you may face the same problem.  What I did was add this line a few lines above that one:

Code: [Select]

Right above the part where it tries to delete the user's validation ID.

If it didn't exist and FHFS tried to delete it, HFS would crash.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 03:36:44 PM by raybob »

Offline makwuzz

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Report errors:

1. When I set up the outgoing email on the admin console, I can not use SSL. Always the error message: "Email.exe [1904]: ERROR => Connection attempt to localhost: 4650 failed: IO :: Socket :: INET: connect: Unknown error"
And I set up the port on the host 443, but why turn into 4650?
2. Why slow upload speeds? While the download and upload speed of my internet when I test through can be up to 60Mbps.

My hope in the next version fhfs:

1. There's automatic backup feature if there is a newly created account.
2. There is a monitor speed when uploading files.
3. There is a time limit feature direct link made ​​by the user. eg: after 4 hours of direct link is lost.
4. Limit account works if the user upload a file through FileZilla.

Thank you.

Offline raybob

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Report errors:
1. When I set up the outgoing email on the admin console, I can not use SSL. Always the error message: "Email.exe [1904]: ERROR => Connection attempt to localhost: 4650 failed: IO :: Socket :: INET: connect: Unknown error"
And I set up the port on the host 443, but why turn into 4650?
2. Why slow upload speeds? While the download and upload speed of my internet when I test through can be up to 60Mbps.

1. This is supposed to happen.  HTTP and outgoing SMTP are both piped through STunnel, and 4650 is the port that connects HFS and your SSL email provider.  4650 is supposed to show up, you have some other problems.  Oh and by the way, why on earth are you using 443 for email?  That's for HTTPS!  The outgoing email port should always be 587, or 25 for normal, or 465 for SSL.
2. That's a well-known HFS problem (not mine).

My hope in the next version fhfs:

1. There's automatic backup feature if there is a newly created account.
2. There is a monitor speed when uploading files.
3. There is a time limit feature direct link made ​​by the user. eg: after 4 hours of direct link is lost.
4. Limit account works if the user upload a file through FileZilla.

Thank you.

1. Maybe...
2. That has to do with HFS, not FHFS.  I think it does that anyway...?
3. Maybe... not likely.
4. Nothing I can do about that except for changing to a different FTP program.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 11:27:07 PM by raybob »

Offline Qwerty Uiop

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Is there a reason that my thumbnails do not show? There is a white blank where they should be and if I click on the blank (where it should be) I get a pop-up where the image is shown. Also, photo gallery mode does not work either. Is this just a browser issue? (Using Chrome mainly).

Offline raybob

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Is there anything in the FHFS\content-thumbs folder ?

Offline Qwerty Uiop

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Yes, it contains two files per one picture. Now my page shows a Photos column and their is white where there should be a picture. If I click on the white, I get a pop-up of the picture in question. Happens with every type of picture (GIF, JPG, PNG, etc...)

Offline raybob

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EDIT: I did some debugging and I found the problem... the problem is that the PHP script 'encodethumbs.php' assumes you have the standard content directory of "C:\program files\FHFS", and so it would fail if you are using a non-standard content directory (which I hope you are, or else this is a problem but not the one you're experiencing).

The only thing though is that you said there were files in your content-thumbs folder, while this bug would have prevented any files from being there...

Anyway I developed a fix for it to be included in beta 4, but I attached it here for you to try and let me know if it works - note that it won't fix existing pictures, just ones you upload from then on.

Just extract the files from the zip and place them into your FHFS folder, overwriting the old files.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 07:52:24 PM by raybob »

Offline Qwerty Uiop

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The files were not there naturally. I placed them in this folder after I created this folder in hopes of making it work. I deleted the folder and the files and replaced the files with the files you uploaded. This however, just made the blank photo spaces in the "Photos" column.