Easy step by step
Step 1: Create a folder or directory called randompics.
Step 2: put pictures into the randompics director and name them "pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg", "pic4.jpg", and "pic5.jpg". (note: you can do as mainy as you wish keep reading thow how to edit)
Step 3: put the folder in your hfs.
Step 4: Copy the lines below as you will need it in a few mins
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide this script from old browsers --
var random = Math.random() ;
var picnum = Math.round(random*4)+1;
// -- End Hiding Here -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
Hit Reload to see another picture!
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Hide this script from old browsers --
document.write('<img src=pic'+picnum+'.jpg>')
document.write('picture number = '+picnum)
// -- End Hiding Here -->
Hit Reload to see another picture!
Step 4: Now click on your folder in HFS and go to advance. Then go to Diff template past what u just copyed. and test
Step 5: Ie might give you a notice that blocking pop ups. Not sure how to fix hope this helps u all
Note: You may edit the ranpic.html page as you desire. You can change the number of images by changing the number in the line that reads, "var picnum = Math.round(random*4)+1". Be sure to make the number (currently 4) one less than the number of images you put in the directory.