Great DIY job

To ignore the dynamic icon problem, in your code replace the selector-parent-each line with this:
document.querySelectorAll('a[href$=".jpg"i],a[href$=".png"i],a[href$=".gif"i],a[href$=".webp"i]').forEach(function(e) {
And replace all "this" as "e". Well done.

This seems straightforward to you and no need to explain

Yes, I still love the HFS 2 philosophy, and in my own view things like Electron and React have ruined everything JavaScript brought to us.
Actually it's so glad that rejetto tried to make HFS 3 without too much (compared to other), and in fact we can directly change the (even after compilation) server code.
(I know rejetto may feel it inappropriate, but I found and reported some bugs in a way of tracing the compiled code)In contract the react frontend have no such luck, though we have plugins.
I don't know when I'll actually make "template in HFS 3" be real (planned far ago). I'm busy on other things these days to obtain some inspiration.
Another previously untold idea is a native UI with something like tcl/tk, to mimic HFS 2