This is the only method that comes to mind, and I hope that it will solve your problem of loss of VFS

switch to expert mode (key F5)
Menu>Save options to file, and activate
Menu>Auto-save Optionsin
Menu>Virtual File System , choice
Backup on Save and
Autosave every: enter 900 (= every 15mn) or more
Menu>Others options> Edit Event Script... (ALT+F6)put this content in and save it in the hfs.exe folder
[server start]
{:{.add to log|Empty VFS detected.}
{:{.add to log| VFS backup found.}
{.add to log| previous VFS restored and loaded.}
:}|{:{.add to log| VFS backup not found.}:}
|{:{.add to log|VFS seems good.}:}
this script tests if the size of the vfs is less than a certain value (255 to be reduced if necessary) and in this case restores the backup,
every time the server is SWITCHING ON ( not possible only when hfs is launched), allowing a functional VFS to be found
verify in windows registry if not exist those keys else delete them
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\rejetto and