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HTML & templates / Re: to rejetto about templates
« on: October 08, 2007, 10:20:55 PM »
For Rejetto:

Would it be possible to add options in url with  Offset=x & limit=y 

a filter of mask        & mask=*.*   ( example  &mask=*.mp3 )

a filter of direction   & rev     to invert listing of files

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: when will possible see this:
« on: October 08, 2007, 07:33:23 PM »
In that case everything of let us let us advances our watches of 10 years follows. LOL ;D

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Find and Replace for the template editor.
« on: October 08, 2007, 01:44:19 PM »
Another solution would be to be able to use,

 or a template which would be in the same directory as hfs.exe,
 then this one would be saved and reloaded in every runnning hfs under the name of hfs.tpl or;

 or we could use a link in ROOT (as virtual folder) of hfs in the form of file masked with as hfs.diff.tpl name,
 in this way if the file exists then this one would be in charge be loaded with instead of the others for the page
" http: // mysite "

if ROOT is assigned as a real folder, put hfs.diff.tpl into the real folder is same as below...

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Find and Replace for the template editor.
« on: October 08, 2007, 01:20:19 AM »
1 possibility to use internal editor, and not the popup windows with internal diff template?

2 context menu on a folder --> advanced--|
                                                        |-- Local Diff Template
                                                        |-- External hfs.diff.tpl
                                                        |-- ...

3 and we can use internal or external editor using a choice of editor into menu/options .

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Find and Replace for the template editor.
« on: October 07, 2007, 11:25:19 PM »
Rejetto, simply the possibility of being able to call a program of external edition which is launched with the extension .tpl, this extension would be associated by the user by " click straight ahead on the tpl " and " to open with by default " 
I associated at home the tpl with notepad ++ ....

HTML & templates / Re: Requesting a template edit
« on: October 05, 2007, 09:26:14 PM »
into template you can find this section

<div class="MessageHeader">
   <br />
<div class="MessageText">
   You need to login first, before you are able to acces the requested page.
   <br /><br /><br />
   <img src="/~img14" height="15"/><a href="../" class="MessageText"> Back to previous page..</a>
   <br />

Modify at your convenience so that it shows what you want, without forgetting the link

<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);"> CLICK HERE TO RETURN</a>

HTML & templates / Re: to rejetto about templates
« on: October 05, 2007, 08:52:11 AM »
to use "?offset=10&limit=20"

in tpl, you find [folder] section as default template
<tr><td>%new% %protected% <a href="%item-url%"?offset=10&limit=20"><img src="/~img_folder" /> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td align=center><i>folder</i><td align=right>%item-modified%<td align=right>%item-dl-count%

"offset" is the first file who will appear 0=first
"limit " is number of total files

"?offset=0&limit=5" define files 1 to  6
"?offset=6&limit=5" define files 6 to  11
and ....

into a scrîpt somes variable are initiate deb=0 increment=limit_defined
<tr><td>%new% %protected% <a href="%item-url%"?offset=deb&limit=increment"><img src="/~img_folder" /> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td align=center><i>folder</i><td align=right>%item-modified%<td align=right>%item-dl-count%

with two button like
<a name=preview onclick=preview()>PRE</a>   
associate with
 function preview()  {deb=deb-increment; if (deb<0) {deb=0}; return}

<a name=preview onclick=nextview()>NEXT</a>   
associate with
 function nextview()  {deb=deb+increment; if (deb>%number%) {deb=deb-increment}; return}

i don't know how to export the value corresponding to %number% in javascript , must be tested..

Post your tests an results


If you use "ADD FOLDER FROM DISK" in hfs to create a link towards a removable disk such a CD-ROM and if the removable disk is empty then the link does not appear in the web page and it is necessary to update having put a cd for example.

HTML & templates / Re: to rejetto about templates
« on: October 04, 2007, 06:28:08 PM »
Several things are not informed in the help assistant of hfs editor
An update of this in the next version beta version would  be indeed.

I read a post concerning %time% and %date% what is it of their use? wich section and information are they return?

HTML & templates / to rejetto about templates
« on: October 04, 2007, 02:04:48 PM »
A little adpatation for the display of files in web page:

1 It is possible to sort out 'by name',  'by date' and 'by download' , but also nearly sort out the possibility 'by type (.ext )'; an oversight I hope?

2 is there a possibility to limit the number of filesshown on screen  to create a multi-systeme pages
1 ...  12 13 14 15 16  ....  45  as in forums?

A general option would allow to select the number max of files shown by page with variable %FILES-PAGES% with can be modified into template like %FILES-PAGES%=(UNLIMITED|x) (x= nb files/page) and create sections  as [up] with [PAGE-]and [PAGE+] a minimum of javascript being the necessary , good on

HTML & templates / Re: problem with flv files
« on: October 02, 2007, 10:46:51 PM »
i found this site for you

PS: into your profile
 indicate your country and save

Français / Re: France
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:44:37 PM »
pour plus de détails il faudra regarder aussi cette page

et parcourir toutes les options

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: alons0 proposal for different address2name
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:25:26 PM »
Why not to add one dialog box as tray message and let the user choose what he wants to add and in which order with variables %ip% %port% %adress2name%

datetime %ip%:%port(%adress2name) .....

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: DVD-CD-ROM Error
« on: October 02, 2007, 01:07:17 PM »
simply rename folders as F: D:  with no ":" caracter and that work fine

Bug reports / Re: bug or not bug topic to rejetto
« on: October 02, 2007, 09:55:56 AM »
Sorry dear Rejetto
It seems to me simpler to identify a section as visible by preceding its name of one ~ ([~section]) that by a VISIBLE option, this in agreement with the fact that every visible section  can be already called by URL  http://........./~section

Among all the templates which I was able to study I did not find track of the use of this type of URL for sections others than those predefined in hfs, thus no risk of disrupting templates existing by my proposition

The usage of ~ seems to me a reference way for the special VISIBLE said use of sections, and simpler to understand for a greenhorn who discovers the usage of templates

Another remark concerning sections:

 If the one of her is in several copies

And what I use the url:  http://..../~test the shown resultat is: test2 on the web page
Only the last section of the same name is recognized the others are simply ignored (trymade with 6 TEST sections, only the last one appeared)

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