1.5.2: Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.2
K got an macros.log on which i could take a look on
and it seems the problem causing the modules not to display is the {.dir.} function which just dont return anything
therefore the other scripts dont know the list of modules and they can't be loaded
( as said on my laptop it works fine with 279 , others seem to experience this problem since 267 )
as i have no idea why the dir function isnt working you can try to workaround this
by replacing ling 59 :
then it should work again but it doesnt load new/other modules automatically
if anyone has an idea why this isnt working , please tell me =)
Update - got the template to load the headerscripts properly , only if the module has permissions to show/load the headerscripts will be loaded
-- rss module should be finished the next days along with an updated template
until the dir function is working again i will put a simple check whether it returns anything or not , if not the modules will be loaded from a static list of modules , so if for u the function doesnt work , u have to edit the template if any new modules have been put in the modules folder
update2 - wrote a simple qr code module using the qrtag api which displays the current url as an qr code,
update3 - k the rss feed module is working now, the updated template is finished and should be working again =)
i also added the ability to load code into the quickclm of the template , so you can add buttons through modules in a simple way , placeholder like %mod-iu% and %mod-in% will be replaced by the item name/url of the file entry so you can interact with the module through buttons with js or so
the qr module uses this and gives any entry an button which then , when preswsed, displays a qr-code with the link to the file , se screenshot

ill upload the new template tomorrow
-- here it is:
Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.2Roessi