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Rawr Template 0.1.3 - Modules Mod Release

Roessi · 47 · 56019

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The Additional Functions Mod does not seem to work probaply ...
When i try to delete or rename a folder i get redirected to the template folder and the folder still exists or does not got renamed :(


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BTW could you add a function for settings comments on files or files :) this would be nice.

and i found my problem on the false redirection.

i tried to add a comment function and somehow i removed lines im not allowed to :P
i just recovered the zip file contents and all is fine.

Offline Roessi

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=) this is a nice idea
ill try to do this as soon as possible =)
just have to think about a smooth way to get the comments deleted when the file doesnt exist anymore


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    Roessi, many thanks to you for work! Forgive for my English)
There is a request to you. It is all it will be useful.
 ---(Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5)---

1) I Have found an error: By default all is good, but
If any module
To put at the left (position=left), the module "mod_foldertasks" - Advanced Search.... Too always at the left also doesn't work!

 Please correct and lay out a template  /-_-/




2)   Roessi, wishes still. It very much will improve Rawr!
 a) Earlier in a template was Highslide JS, now he isn't present (. (On a clique increase and image curling)
 b) you Can make a photo of a preview of files of pictures as in "Live"

 c) Whether it is possible to make in Rawr transition on pages (it is admissible 10 files/folders-new page) - for example:

Help please! New version 1.6)))


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Just wanted to say that this is brilliant the themeing and the mods on letting the user change to the password.. Had to alter the code alittle bit so that the user didnt change their username. But am wondering if anyone out there would beable to help out with this issue im currently having.

When the user first logs in to the broswer credtials that are first assigned within HFS work ok. Username/ Password seem to work fine, however when the user tries to change the password, it goes directly to the ~\template\rawr_default\modules folder, and than comes up with the user promt to enter their details in again. But, when the user tries to input the new password it doesnt let you in, and also when you try to use the old password it wont work either. I have noticed as well the stylesheet doesnt always load up properly, or not at all, which is very strange as the internet speed here is meant to be the quickest connection at the moment during the upload while a new or old user is browsing the url..

FYI; I have altererd the code alittle to remove registration on the RAWR_DARK theme as well as the options to change the username, however the rest of the code should be original. I'm not sure in the code of those modules if theres something dynamic to the other modules or if they link together.

Any help with this issue is GREATLY apprecitated, as this FTP software is one of the better ones I have tried. 

~Also just a quick general question, for some reason I am not able to view any of the domain though a Windows Seven computer, however when logged onto my FTP Server running WinXP Pro I am able to view this website. I have done a small amount of diagnostics including checking AV firewalls etc as well as trying to ping to the domain on the Win 7 Machine with no luck, however I am able to ping from the XP Machine with no worries.. Very very strange. If any one knows I would really like to know, but this is not really importan as I am able to access this through the XP Machine..


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i have Win7 and no problems browsing
no idea, sorry

Offline Roessi

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Hey had a little time again ^^


fixed redirect when changin password
fixed searchbox being displayed wrong if any modules set to left position
changed additionalfunctions module so you can set per user setting whether can change password/name or not if canchangename is set to 0 in options

k Kieren =) the password thing should work now this was caused by an wrong(old) entry in the action field of the form^^
and to not let users change their name/password you can set in the options.txt of the module changename/changepass to  0

if some users shall be able to change it then just add an note in the form
to their notes field


i'll try to to the preview and pages as soon as i can
but i had just the time now to fix the searchbox

Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.1

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sry to let u all wait this long =/ but as always i just have little time ...

i got an mail , regarding problems with the modules not working under hfs > 266
i downloaded the latest beta again ( my pc is down, have to use my sisters laptop )
and the template ( ) cant unpack the latest ^, i just realized its not a zip container o.O ( sry for thta - gotta wait until i can install 7zip )

and for me everything works fine, i need mor detailed infos whats not working , or the macros.log

( i just added the template folder to hfs as an real folder and load the templat itself
then it should work [ if you see the foldertasks and statistics then the modules work and the other modules are either disabled or display only when loggedin ... just check /template/rawr_default/modules/MODULEFOLDER/options.txt )

i hope i can answer some questions =/ and if sths not working mail me ill try to give it a look , but for me everything works fine on an laptop with fresh hfs and template downloaded

i added a new module for loading rss feeds as i was asked for by mail
( its not releasable yet but it works )

and for this to work prperly i also added a "headerscripts.txt" to the modules
so if necessary u can load javascript in  the html header , just put code in the file ( enclosed with <script> tag )

Do you want an rssfeed module where you can set feed urls in sections ? and how should the output be ? like a newsticker or as a lst or output options like "mode 1 mode 2 ... " =) any ideas ?
and i just want to let u know im trying to work on this project
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 01:53:09 PM by Roessi »

Offline Roessi

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1.5.2: Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.2

K got an macros.log on which i could take a look on
and it seems the problem causing the modules not to display is the {.dir.} function which just dont return anything
therefore the other scripts dont know the list of modules and they can't be loaded
( as said on my laptop it works fine with 279 , others seem to experience this problem since 267  )
as i have no idea why the dir function isnt working you can try to workaround this
by replacing ling 59 :


then it should work again but it doesnt load new/other modules automatically

if anyone has an idea why this isnt working , please tell me =)

Update - got the template to load the headerscripts properly , only if the module has permissions to show/load the headerscripts will be loaded

-- rss module should be finished the next days along with an updated template

until the dir function is working again i will put a simple check whether it returns anything or not , if not the modules will be loaded from a static list of modules , so if for u the function doesnt work , u have to edit the template if any new modules have been put in the modules folder

update2 - wrote a simple qr code module using the qrtag api which displays the current url as an qr code,

update3 - k the rss feed module is working now, the updated template is finished and should be working again =)
               i also added the ability to load code into the quickclm of the template , so you can add buttons through modules in a simple way , placeholder like %mod-iu% and %mod-in% will be replaced by the item name/url of the file entry so you can interact with the module through buttons with js or so

the qr module uses this and gives any entry an button which then , when preswsed, displays a qr-code with the link to the file , se screenshot

ill upload the new template tomorrow

-- here it is:

Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.2
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 09:19:15 PM by Roessi »