Well, after many posts asking the same question... i sense that this topic could be put into a sticky.

if you're looking for a way to make your HFS run at startup, but not as it usually does when the user logs in... you want your HFS to run even before you or anybody else logs into the computer, or even after a shutdown/reboot, you are in the right post.....

If you use the search button of this forum (
http://www.rejetto.com/forum/index.php?action=search), you will find at least 3 pages with these words in their posts, here is a current list of threads on this topic:
Topic: Run HFS as a SERVICE - info here! (Read 4050 times)
Topic: NewSoftware HFS2Service (Read 1620 times)
Topic: How can I set HFS up as a service? (Read 19 times)
Topic: hfs2service?

(Read 372 times)
Topic: Autostart HFS after reboot? (Read 468 times)
Topic: HFS as Windows Service (Read 497 times)
Topic: Service?!! (Read 2808 times)
and these files are mentioned in all of the posts...at least the files i got here... i have attached the sources of this application i made to create and manipulate the windows process that it creates for HFS... I have attached 2 versions of it, one that makes the service, and manipulate it only, and the other which keeps monitoring the service in the system tray of windows, i must explain that these tools are experimental, and all are virus free, they are one of the my very first programing things in C#, and i'm not updating it, as it works fine to me and others..... i have also got the any2service here, but i did not attach it, i can send it to someone that can host it somewhere for me..... the size is
Any2Service.zip - 2.188kb
i guess there is many other ways to do it... but from now on lets use this sticky post to discuss this topic.