i am testing 1.6, and you?
www.rejetto.com/temp/hfs.ziptemporary what's newver: 1.6
+ LOGIN button (browsing)
+ support for external links in the VFS: File Menu -> "New link"
+ customizable 401 and 403 HTTP error pages
+ customizable ban page
+ faster page generation
+ Menu -> Other options -> "Use comment as realm"
+ Menu -> Other options -> "Login realm"
+ Menu -> Limits -> "Connection inactivity timeout"
+ Menu -> Encoding URL -> "Use UNICODE in HTML"
+ Menu -> Help -> "Introduction"
+ Menu -> Virtual File System -> "Reset hits"
+ Menu -> Virtual File System -> "Reset downloads"
+ Menu -> "Abort file addition"
+ File Menu -> Icon
+ File Menu -> Switch to virtual
+ File Menu -> "Customized realm"
+ File Menu -> Access for users -> ALL/NONE
+ Log Menu -> "Log what"
+ Log Menu -> "Log on video"
+ Connections menu -> "Kick idle connections"
+ Users -> User properties: browse protected resources by user
+ complete downloads counting
+ "Time left"
+ more XP styled
+ added Reset button in "Set user/pass" dialog
+ support for default favicon.ico (i saw Mozilla using it)
+ new HTML template symbols: %total-bytes%, %total-kbytes%, %total-size% (size of listed files)
* connections box: merge of "IP" and "User" fields
* connections box: "Agent" and "Start time" displayed in tip
* folders known before as "autoupdated folders" are now "real folders", others (yellow) are "virtual folders"
* new "let browse" behavior
* options saved to file by default
* "reload open VFS" by default
- problems sending HTTP error pages
- problems with files with corrupted timestamp
- VFS: minor redrawing problem
- "Hide tree" was not propagating to autoupdated folders
- hits were not displayed (in tips) for folders
- it is safer now during long files addition: files are locked and you can quit the program at once
- removed a useless limit on filenames
- drag&drop was restricted to labels area
- inverted ban logic was not applyed on start (but after opening options window)
- the hidden graph was reappearing after a couple of restarts
- fixed possible DoS attack
- 4GB single file limit removed
- whole drives were unsupported
- other minor bugs