Default tempalte and where i would place the code. ( in the header after the html calling of javascript / the first line of the body so its ready right when thewebpage loads...
Welcome! This is the default template for HFS 2.3
template revision TR2.
Here below you'll find some options affecting the template.
Consider 1 is used for "yes", and 0 is used for "no".
DO NOT EDIT this template just to change options. It's a very bad way to do it, and you'll pay for it!
Correct way: in Virtual file system, right click on home/root, properties, diff template,
put this text
and following all the options you want to change, using the same syntax you see here.
COMMENT this option causes your file list to be paged by default
COMMENT with these you can disable some features of the template. Please note this is not about user permissions, this is global!
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>{.!HFS.} %folder%</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/?mode=section&id=style.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/?mode=jquery"></script>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<style class='trash-me'>
.onlyscript, button[onclick] { display:none; }
// this object will store some %symbols% in the javascript space, so that libs can read them
HFS = { folder:'{.js encode|%folder%.}', number:%number%, paged:{.!option.paged.} };
<script type="text/javascript" src="/?mode=section&id=lib.js"></script>
// place hear in header or
while (window.location.hostname !== '(Public ip address of HFS/DNS name')
alert('Plz stop hotlinking');
// place hear in body
while (window.location.hostname !== '')
alert('Plz stop hotlinking');
<!--{.comment|--><h1 style='margin-bottom:100em'>WARNING: this template is only to be used with HFS 2.3 (and macros enabled)</h1> <!--.} -->
{.$box panel.}
<!-- Build-time: %build-time% -->
etc.. hfs defatul tempalte (e3xced mesage llimit)[/list]