samepaul, the problem is not about the search, as you can see the file/folder is visible even if you just browse the folder /Music/More/Rammstein/Singles/Engel/
if you think this is a bug, as it seems to be
, open a new topic in the bug reports board.
sending me privately your vfs file may help.
if you want people to connect to your hfs only through stunnel (as i guess you are using it), you need to say HFS to accept connections only over
i connected to you in simple http.
The problem is not an accessibility of something. I do not want to continue (or even start) discussion on SSL, STunnel or whatever related to this.
I want to focus ONLY on search. And this topic is exactly dedicated to this subject.
Again, the problem is that some
files in search results list displayed as
folders. For example
02 - Feuerrader.Mp3 is
file and listed as file during regular browsing, but it is
listed as folder in search results!
Another bug is that in search results I see files that are
not related to search mask. For example I do search by "mp3" mask, but for some reason I see in results files like "suspend.exe" or "timeout.exe" etc. Until someone can explain me how mask "mp3" matches these files, I consider this behavior as bug.